As we embark on another year that brings us much closer to the great and terrible day of the Lord and His soon return, there is MUCH to reflect upon, pray about, prepare in every way Spirit is leading us to do in our own personal journey in Him and work out our salvation with fear and trembling. The battle RAGES on beloved children and lambs of Yahweh! Even more FIERCE than ever before. This year we are coming into is going to be very exciting in what Spirit wants to pour through His own with the MANY gifts He has given to us as well as a time of testing, deeper soul searching and a CALL to dwell more in His secret place and abide under His protective shadow. A call to KNOW our place in this spiritual battle and LISTEN to His voice above ALL THE OTHER CLATTER and NOISE of religiosity, hypocrisy, and MANY false brethren who seek to throw us off course, distract, entice and seduce His innocent ones.
What I am hearing is to BE MORE on your guard, watch your backs and those of His true lambs (pray against those who prey) and NEVER GIVE UP no matter how much your hated, despised and rejected by your family, even friends, the world and those who mirror the true you in Christ. Don't be too trusting, but TEST the spirits to see if they are of Yahweh. No matter what your called to face this coming year, don't take your eyes, ears and heart away from HE who loves you with an everlasting love. REMEMBER, whatever your called to endure is for the purpose of true love and devotion to the ONE we will be united with for eternity.
TOO MANY POSERS, LIARS and FALSE CHRISTIANS! The time is coming rather quickly when these ones will be REVEALED for who THEY really are. PLANTS, COMMUNIST FRONTS and DEEP DOWN haters of the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE!
HOLD FIRM to the ONLY SOLID FOUNDATION amidst this crumbling world beast system.
I close with a song Spirit gave me back in March called, The Battle Cry!
(Make sure you pause the mixpod player on the right of this blog before clicking play on the player below)
Shalom, Agape and the Peace of Yeshua give you strength with each new day and through the year~
<3 Linda Rose
Music Playlist at
Love this song Linda. God bless you.