Friday, December 31, 2010
The Battle Cry 2011
As we embark on another year that brings us much closer to the great and terrible day of the Lord and His soon return, there is MUCH to reflect upon, pray about, prepare in every way Spirit is leading us to do in our own personal journey in Him and work out our salvation with fear and trembling. The battle RAGES on beloved children and lambs of Yahweh! Even more FIERCE than ever before. This year we are coming into is going to be very exciting in what Spirit wants to pour through His own with the MANY gifts He has given to us as well as a time of testing, deeper soul searching and a CALL to dwell more in His secret place and abide under His protective shadow. A call to KNOW our place in this spiritual battle and LISTEN to His voice above ALL THE OTHER CLATTER and NOISE of religiosity, hypocrisy, and MANY false brethren who seek to throw us off course, distract, entice and seduce His innocent ones.
What I am hearing is to BE MORE on your guard, watch your backs and those of His true lambs (pray against those who prey) and NEVER GIVE UP no matter how much your hated, despised and rejected by your family, even friends, the world and those who mirror the true you in Christ. Don't be too trusting, but TEST the spirits to see if they are of Yahweh. No matter what your called to face this coming year, don't take your eyes, ears and heart away from HE who loves you with an everlasting love. REMEMBER, whatever your called to endure is for the purpose of true love and devotion to the ONE we will be united with for eternity.
TOO MANY POSERS, LIARS and FALSE CHRISTIANS! The time is coming rather quickly when these ones will be REVEALED for who THEY really are. PLANTS, COMMUNIST FRONTS and DEEP DOWN haters of the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE!
HOLD FIRM to the ONLY SOLID FOUNDATION amidst this crumbling world beast system.
I close with a song Spirit gave me back in March called, The Battle Cry!
(Make sure you pause the mixpod player on the right of this blog before clicking play on the player below)
Shalom, Agape and the Peace of Yeshua give you strength with each new day and through the year~
<3 Linda Rose
Battle Cry,
False Christians,
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Evangelical Snobbery (intellectual elites) by A.W. Tozer
Evangelical Snobbery by A. W. Tozer 
WE ARE A BAD LOT, WE SONS OF ADAM. One convincing proof of our inherent badness is the way we manage to turn good into evil and make our very blessings a curse to us. Indeed I think a strong case can be made for the belief that sin is merely righteousness in reverse and evil but perverted good. Sin is at bottom the abuse of things in themselves innocent, an illegitimate use of legitimate gifts.
We Christians are cut from the same bolt as the rest of mankind, and while we have been made partakers of a new nature we have not yet been entirely divested of the old. For this reason we are under constant temptation to lapse into the flesh and manifest the old nature rather than the new. I know the arguments against this, but they have never seemed very convincing to me, especially when those who advance them are as likely as not to reveal pretty plain evidences of the old nature before the argument is ended.
Because we are so very human there is real danger that we may inadvertently do the human thing and turn our blessings upside down. Unless we watch and pray in dead earnest we may turn our good into evil and make the grace of God a trap instead of a benefit.
Among the purest gifts we have received from God is truth. Another gift almost as precious, and without which the first would be meaningless, is our ability to grasp truth and appreciate it. For these priceless treasures we should be profoundly grateful; for them our thanks should rise to the Giver of all good gifts throughout the day and in the night seasons. And because these and all other blessings flow to us by grace without merit or worth on our part, we should be very humble and watch with care lest such undeserved favors, if unappreciated, be taken from us.
Men are notoriously lacking in gratitude. Bible history reveals that Israel often took God's gifts too casually and so turned their blessings into a curse. This human fault appears also in the New Testament, and the activities of Christians through the centuries show that as Christ was followed by Satan in the wilderness so truth is often accompanied by a strong temptation to pride. The very truth that makes men free may be and often is fashioned into chains to keep them in bondage. And never forget it: there is no pride so insidious and yet so powerful as the pride of orthodoxy.
Snobbery is the child of pride. Pride at first may be eager and ambitious as it tries to make a place for itself or to prove that it has already attained that place. Later it loses its eager quality and becomes defensive. Finally it ceases to struggle or defend and accepts its own image of itself as something too well established for discussion and too beautiful to improve. When it reaches that stage it has produced a snob, and no snob is ever aware that he is one.
The snob whose claim to superiority is her material possessions is a comical figure, but because she is so pathetic she may with some effort be tolerated. The snob whose glory lies in her ancestors is less easy to endure, but she may be dismissed with the remark that since all she has to be proud of is her forebears the best part of her is under ground. But what shall we say of the intellectual snob? He is unbearable, a man difficult to love and impossible to like. A new school of evangelical Christianity has come up of late which appears to me to be in grave danger of producing a prime crop of intellectual snobs. The disciples of this school are orthodox in creed, if by that we mean that they hold the fundamental tenets of the historic faith; but right there the similarity of their school to New Testament Christianity ends. Their spirit is quite other than the spirit of the early church.
This new breed of Christian may be identified by certain field marks. One is the habit of puffing out the chest and uttering a noise that sounds suspiciously like crowing. Another is the habit of nesting so high that ordinary Christians have difficulty in locating the aerie, and when they do they are unable to climb to it. Then, the song is also quite noticeable in that it consists almost wholly of imitations. Rarely does one of them manage to give forth an original note, but each one waits to hear what Barth or Brunner or Bultmann or Tillich has to say and then imitates it as nearly as possible, only transposing it into the orthodox key. Their mating call is a shrill "Me too! Me too!" which may be heard any time between September and June ringing through the halls of various institutions of evangelical higher learning.
What is overlooked by this new school is that truth is not mental only but moral. The Apostles' Creed quoted in pride, though true, is not true for the one who thus quotes it; one indispensable quality is missing—humility. A theological fact becomes a spiritual truth only when it is received by a humble mind. The proud mind, however orthodox, can never know spiritual truth. Light means nothing to a blind man.
In the Christian life we know most when we know that we do not know, and we understand best when we know that we understand little and that there is much that we will never understand. In the Scriptures knowledge is a kind of experience and wisdom has a moral content. Knowledge without humility is vanity. The religious snob is devoid of truth. Snobbery and truth are irreconcilable.
A.W. Tozer
Saturday, December 25, 2010
The Greatest Gift
Merry Christ is the Way, Truth and Life this day and everyday to you all! As the world over are and have exchanged gifts, there is a sense of excitement, especially among the children. Some have received gifts they have been wanting, others haven't, but received more like what they need and many out there on the streets are just trying to survive life. There are also those Many who are very alone and filled with despair and yet there is ONE GIFT no matter where you are, made available to every human soul. There is only ONE GIFT, that is the GREATEST and MOST FULFILLING gift His created beings could EVER receive.
Creator Abba Father Yahweh Elohim gave such a gift out of His DEEP love for His created beings. The gift of His Son! To those whose eyes are made open through Spirit to behold such a gift of SALVATION will take it beyond this realm. Anything you have and receive in this life by way of riches, material things and on and on will not go with you when you breath your last breath. What will follow you when you have repented of your wretched sinful ways and BELIEVE (adhere to, rely on, trust and obey the words of) Jesus who died for you while you we were yet a sinner, a scoffer and hater of Creator God, is eternal life.
And what of eternal Life? One of my favorite scriptures I hold on to as we plunge into a time of great tribulation and persecution of His lambs, mass death and the rise of anti Christ is this~
1 Corinthians 2:9-10
It is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit: for the Spirit searches all things, yea, the deep things of God.
What does it profit you or me if we gain this world and or the things of this world in exchange for our soul?
Keep your eyes on the GREATEST GIFT and PRIZE as you run this race of life for the upward call in Christ! For the sufferings in this life CANNOT COMPARE to the glory that shall be revealed in, to and through us!
It's going beyond the manger,(which is just the beginning) of being babes, to accepting the crucified, risen Savior Yeshua Jesus into our hearts and giving HIM full charge of our lives by His indwelling Spirit to daily rid us of our sinful nature in place of His Divine Nature.
THANK YOU ABBA FATHER for the GIFT of Yeshua! For Eternal Life! The Hope of our redemption. The working of our salvation with fear and trembling. The enduring with You till the end so that we might be saved. The fixing of our gaze on Yeshua Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. You, who began a good work in us will COMPLETE IT! To sharing in the fellowship of Your sufferings and becoming like you in Your death so that we may attend to the resurrection of the dead! To enduring the cross daily, dying to self, following You and scorning it's shame knowing we are already seated together with You in heavenly places from where You see it all outside of time and space.
My prayer, Abba Father is for You to gather Your children out there throughout the world who have yet to be awakened to the GREATEST GIFT and come into their rightful place as your children, Heirs with You and joint heirs with Christ Yeshua!
Linda @->--
Jesus The Greatest Gift,
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Music to celebrate the season and remembrance of our Saviors birth
I put up a mixpod player of Christmas music by Manheim Steamroller and Gregorian Chant when you stop by and read my blogs. I have the player set to automatic. If you want to hear any other music, videos, etc, on this blogger, please just click pause on the player I have posted to right of my blog. The selection of music I downloaded from own personal files that I downloaded individually to my fileden and then uploaded the url to my mixpod. I hope you enjoy the selection as we MAGNIFY, WORSHIP, and PRAISE OUR GLORIOUS SAVIOR AND KING YESHUA JESUS! \0/
<3 Linda @->--
<3 Linda @->--
Manheim Steamrollers,
Saviors Birth
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It seems this is a good time as any to write this blog. It's been a HELLUVA two days battling on the net and computer glitches. BEYOND anything I have encountered with the net in a long time. If I were to try and describe what I have been dealing with you would think I WAS NUTS! INSANE even. As far as the world goes, I am just that. ( I march to the beat of Yeshua's drum, the scourge of the world.) I feel as though I have wasted hours upon hours more than I would have liked trying to accomplish some of the things I have wanted to tackle while me and my daughter have two weeks break from home school. I have hit more walls at every turn. I will not use this opportunity to RANT about my present frustrations since Trish and Ang were on the other end of my rantings. I apologize for the craziness and yet I THANK YOU for letting me rant on.
I have two major thorns in my side. One being myspace, which I no longer use for music except to post IMPORTANT spiritual stuff and then I get out right quick. The other is FACEBOOK. GRRRR! That is by far my biggest thorn and enigma! As much as I have ranted on about myspace, facebook has jumped to the number one position of my DISTAIN.
For those who like it, please do not take offense, but there is something I have picked up with facebook and these major type of NETworkings than I can humanly explain. But it is REAL and sinister. I tried creating a facebook band account and it turned into a schizophrenic situation. I don't know if I am going to forge ahead. I want to SHIT can the whole thing, but I will step back for a few days until the smoke clears and my head stops hurting. So for now I am at an impasse and wait to see where this spiritual turn is going to take me. I don't want to make any decisions out of my own hatred of facebook, when there could be something Spirit wants to teach and show me, even if it is for a SHORT time. I will take a SELAH and PAUSE by stepping back for a bit from setting anything up. Whether it be facebook, icompositions, etc.
It's time to sit down and read a book or two I have been putting off to get away from the strong pull and net programming. This is what brother Thomas talked about in his last audio podcast with Zeph. (Zedjah) It is something we need to do more to keep the simplicity in tack and to short circuit THEIR strong pull of technology we use to connect with each other. It's not the connecting that's bad, but the subtle technological traps we fall into that keep us coming back for more. IT'S CRAZY!!!!
Agape, Shalom and His Rest be upon you in Jesus Name!
Linda Rose
Linda Rose,
reverbnation Spiritsong,
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Do Not lose heart, but BE ENCOURAGED!
Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, but an encouraging word makes it glad.
Proverbs 12:25
In the day of my trouble I will call on You, for You will answer me. Psalm 86:7
When he arrived and saw what grace (favor) God was bestowing upon them, he was full of joy; and he continuously exhorted (warned, urged, and encouraged) them all to cleave unto and remain faithful to and devoted to the Lord with [resolute and steady] purpose of heart. Acts 11:23
Therefore encourage (admonish, exhort) one another and edify (strengthen and build up) one another, just as you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
And we earnestly beseech you, brethren, admonish (warn and seriously advise) those who are out of line [the loafers, the disorderly, and the unruly]; encourage the timid and fainthearted, help and give your support to the weak souls, [and] be very patient with everybody [always keeping your temper]. 1 Thessalonians 5:14
Now may the God Who gives the power of patient endurance (steadfastness) and Who supplies encouragement, grant you to live in such mutual harmony and such full sympathy with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus. Romans 15:5
My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip or to be moved; He Who keeps you will not slumber. Psalm 121:2-3
For just as Christ's [own] sufferings fall to our lot [as they overflow upon His disciples, and we share and experience them] abundantly, so through Christ comfort (consolation and encouragement) is also [shared and experienced] abundantly by us.
2 Corinthians 1:5
Do not let your hearts be troubled (distressed, agitated). You believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely on God; believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely also on Me. John 14:1
Bear (endure, carry) one another's burdens and troublesome moral faults, and in this way fulfill and observe perfectly the law of Christ (the Messiah) and complete what is lacking [in your obedience to it].
Galatians 6: 2
Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. 1 Peter 5: 7
Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, Who loved us and gave us everlasting consolation and encouragement and well-founded hope through [His] grace (unmerited favor), comfort and encourage your hearts and strengthen them [make them steadfast and keep them unswerving] in every good work and word. 2 Thessalonians 2: 16-17
Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him; fret not yourself because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked devices to pass. Psalm 37: 7
I, even I, am He Who comforts you. Who are you, that you should be afraid of man, who shall die, and of a son of man, who shall be made [as destructible] as grass. Isaiah 51: 12
Sing for joy, O heavens, and be joyful, O earth, and break forth into singing, O mountains! For the Lord has comforted His people and will have compassion upon His afflicted. Isaiah 49: 13
For though the mountains should depart and the hills be shaken or removed, yet My love and kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace and completeness be removed, says the Lord, Who has compassion on you. Isaiah 54: 10
For whatever was thus written in former days was written for our instruction, that by [our steadfast and patient] endurance and the encouragement [drawn] from the Scriptures we might hold fast to and cherish hope. Romans 15: 4
Cast your burden on the Lord [releasing the weight of it] and He will sustain you; He will never allow the [consistently] righteous to be moved (made to slip, fall, or fail).
Psalm 55: 22
GOD IS our Refuge and Strength [mighty and impenetrable to temptation], a very present and well-proved help in trouble. Psalm 46: 1
Blessed be the Lord, Who bears our burdens and carries us day by day, even the God Who is our salvation! Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]! Psalm 68: 19
What then, brethren, is [the right course]? When you meet together, each one has a hymn, a teaching, a disclosure of special knowledge or information, an utterance in a [strange] tongue, or an interpretation of it. [But] let everything be constructive and edifying and for the good of all. 1 Corinthians 14: 26
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.] Matthew 11: 28
Shalom and Yahweh Elohim's blessings to you in Jesus Name~
Linda Rose
Be Encouraged,
Do Not Lose Heart
Saturday, December 18, 2010
This is too precious~
(My dad sent this to me by e-mail ~ LR)
A Nativity Scene was erected in a church yard.
During the night the folks came across this scene.
An abandoned dog was looking for a comfortable, protected place to sleep. He chose baby Jesus as his comfort. No one had the heart to send him away so he was there all night.
During the night the folks came across this scene.
An abandoned dog was looking for a comfortable, protected place to sleep. He chose baby Jesus as his comfort. No one had the heart to send him away so he was there all night.

We should all have the good sense of this dog and curl up in Jesus' lap from time to time.
This is too sweet not to share. No one mentioned that the dog breed is a "shepherd!"
Yahweh Elohim of ALL COMFORT who sent His son Yeshua to set us free from all that holds us captive in this world (including ourselves!) One and ONLY Savior of the world, the lost, the sinner, the hurting, the chained, the bound, the abused, the sick and ALL would believe on Him through His shed blood and death upon that cross.
A blessed and wondrous Merry CHRISTmas to you all!
Linda Rose
German Shepherd,
Thursday, December 16, 2010
War Of The Angels by Voo
War of the Angels
War broke out in Heaven
Before and After the Cross
Hell broke in because of men
And all it seemed was lost.
Battle cries screamed through the skies
And days turned into nights
Darkened sun and blood red moon
And men cried for the Light.
Angels, angels, everywhere
Fighting to the death
Planets crashed and planets died
And men fought to draw breath.
Fluffy clouds hid monstrous things
The sea's roars swept the land
And every bit of bread and wine
Was taken from man's hand.
Hope, it seemed was gone and deemed
To be a fairy tale
The demons raised their glasses high
And toasted the King of Hell.
Onward, onward, orc and troll
Marching through the atmosphere
Reigning terror on the Earth
And feasting on men's fear.
No light, no light could mortals find
As earthquakes split the city
Of Babylon and Bethlehem
And no one showed them pity.
Armor bright and silver gleemed
Upon the angels' breasts
And darkened foe with sword of woe
Refused to give them rest.
The Battle continued through history
Through Ages of mankind
And still today, the army holds sway
Waiting for the Sign.
The God of War, the God of Peace
They meet on heavenly ground
Their armies fight to victory win
And till then, will not stand down.
by Voo
Jan 10, 2005 11:00 p.m.
The Agape, Peace and Joy of Yahweh, Elohim Yeshua Adonai strengthen and keep you ever close to Him~
Linda Rose
War of the Angels
Monday, December 13, 2010
Knockin on Heavens Door
I came across this archive of a song I had done about 2 and a half years ago. I was corresponding with this couple who sing and play spiritual music called, Blessed Out Loud. There music really ministered to me at a time when I needed it. Well, this brother changed some words around to the song, Knockin on Heavens Door. He sent me his version and a copy of the words. When I sat down and picked up my guitar, I was compelled to play around and sing it for a bit. Before you know it, I recorded this song for my own singing pleasure. :) This is not for commercial use or to be downloaded, but I share it as another musical experience. It just burned in my heart to do it at that opportune time. I hope you enjoy it as I did getting gloriously lost in the moment. :)
Matthew 7:6-8
6Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
7Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
Knockin on Heavens Door,
Friday, December 10, 2010
Voo's Testimony of Heaven

This is quite a phenomenal testimony from one I am not only close to, but a dear sister with many talents, who So loves our Lord and speaks Truth. I believe you will be VERY BLESSED and encouraged by her testimony of heaven.
Much Love, Peace, Joy, Comfort and Grace abound greatly in whole of your being!
Linda Rose
Voos testimony of Heaven.
My Visit To Heaven, Part One Several years ago, I was at a prayer meeting at a friend's house. There were probably about 20 people there and we were praying for another friend who was going through a real crisis. We were all standing around in a large circle praying and praising God and seeking His face. I had turned on a small tape recorder in case someone had a prophetic word for my friend and had just left it on. The Spirit of God was really sweet and encompassing and we were just basking in His presence and I have to say that I was not thinking about myself at all or asking anything of God for myself but for my friend when it happened. All of a sudden I just "knew" that Jesus was literally in the room. I had only been saved a little over a year and was not knowledgeable about spiritual things, really. A feeling like a tidal wave of power and love just hit me and my bones turned to jelly. All I could say was "My Lord and My God!" and then I saw Him. He just walked into the room out of thin air. I collapsed upon the floor at His feet. All I could do was worship Him. My entire life just seemed to vanish, the room I was in vanished, there were no people there, no fears, no nothing. Just me and Jesus. Nothing else mattered. I wish I could describe for you the feelings I felt lying there but I cannot. There are no feelings, no emotions that could even come close to conveying what it was like. It was like living and dying, groaning and crying, Ecstasy and agony, unspeakable joy and knowing that I was totally unworthy to even kiss His feet. (Does that make any sense?) Jesus stood over me and He spoke to me. He reached His hand down to me and said "Come with Me." If anyone on earth knows what the Apostle Paul meant when he said..:"Whether in the body or out of the body, I do not know..." it is me. Looking back, I realized that my body stayed on that floor on my knees and totally collapsed forward but I didn't know that at the time. All I knew is that I got up and took Jesus's hand and went with Him. When I first sensed the presence of God in the room, I think everyone else did too because everyone in the room just fell on the floor praising God at that moment that I said "My Lord and My God." But to my knowledge, no one else saw Him or spoke to Him. Why I have never known. I guess it was just my appointed time for a visitation. Two years before that I had been taken in a vision to Hell and maybe God wanted to balance out my experiences. Hell certainly was real to me and now Heaven was going to soon be. I remember going "up" with Jesus and I looked back down on the room at the people all lying there on the floor and I wondered why they weren't going too. I even asked Him if they could come too and He said no but very lovingly so I asked if I could tell them what I was seeing and hearing and He said yes. It was like I was existing in two different dimensions or realms at the same time. I know my physical mouth began to tell what I was experiencing because it was recorded on the tape recorder but I had no sense of being in my body at all. It felt incredible! Totally weightless and carefree and well, Free! Jesus went on up ahead of me and I followed up! up! up! Through glorious colors and galaxy like places and places I could not describe if I had to. I was laughing and exclaiming in pure joy. It was like every wonderful dream you ever had in your life about flying and sailing through the clouds and being Superman and an angel and forgetting what it was ever like to ever hurt or cry or grieve about anything. I seemed to fly upward for days, weeks. There was no sense of time at all, no memory of time, even. Later, I was amazed to find that the entire experience took less than 30 or 40 minutes and I could have sworn in court that I had been gone for at least 3 months! I kept going up until I became aware of a place coming into view and before I knew it, I was standing in a beautiful Garden. Like the scenes out of the movie The Secret Garden or What Dreams May Come but so much more that those scenes now seem ugly in comparison. The sky was silver and the grass was so green it would hurt our eyes here. There were flowers everywhere and the sweet smell of roses Music was everywhere. Indescribable music and I realized that the grass and the flowers and trees were ALIVE and the music was coming from them. Joy was so tangible, it was like liquid rain falling on me. I wasn't actually walking but kind of floating just above the ground. There were ponds and lakes and lush vegetation and things you used to read about in children's books. In a word, it was Paradise. The Garden of Eden. I don't know how long I stayed there. It seemed like years and I couldn't begin to see everything. Somehow I was made to know that what I was experiencing was my own custom made special Paradise all of my own, made just for me and that each of God's children have their own special place waiting for them too. I looked and there came my little dog running that had died years before. Running in absolute joy toward me, loving me with pure love. The closest thing I can come up with to describe this place was the Holodeck on the old Star Trek series where you could go to and program any way you like and then go visit the place that you created for however long you wanted to. A pale imitation but that will give you an idea. Heaven is the place of the Dream Come True, I guess you could say but this is only one tiny little portion of Heaven. One sliver of the onion. I stayed in the Garden for a long time. I don't remember seeing another person but I was not lonely or worried. I felt like I was Home. My Visit To Heaven Part Two Here are a few details pertaining to the first part previously posted: In the garden that I went to there were many flowered trees and many beautiful birds. It was like eternal Springtime. The air was so pure that I felt I was almost "high" on it. Everything was permeated with tangible Joy. Up in the silver sky was a pastel colored rainbow.I kept staring at the rainbow and as I did, I began to rise and go towards it and then I went over it! Yes! I went somewhere over the rainbow!! lol I continued to go up and up through gorgeous colors that looked like whipped cream chiffon. (That's the only way I can describe it, sorry.) I seemed to be approaching another level of Heaven that was totally different from the garden level. Remember that at the time, I had no idea what was happening to me or where I was going. I was more alive than I have ever been and the only emotion I was feeling was pure joy and happiness. I was totally weightless, lighter than a feather. As I came into this place I saw a huge tower like figure in the distance. I drew closer and closer to it. Suddenly, I knew just like I had back in the room that I was about to see Jesus. I got so excited I could barely contain myself. This entire time that all of this was happening, I was telling everyone in the room exactly what I was seeing. (At least I hope I was making sense. I couldn't swear to it.) Now this is the part that I know will stir up controversy. It always has and this is one reason I have been hesitating to share it. But I promise you that it is true and really happened. (and if anyone is reading this that was there that night, I'd love to hear from you!) I suddenly found myself beside a gigantic foot. A huge foot in a brown sandal. And I knew it was Jesus's foot. I didn't even reach to His ankle, I was so tiny and it was so big. Somehow, I began to experience the sensation that not only was I standing there beside the huge foot looking like a little girl about two or three years old, but I was also standing aside observing the entire scene from a short distance away. I had long curly hair down to my shoulders and I was wearing this beautiful white robe that glistened. I mistakenly thought that I had wings for a short time but realised as I raised my arms that the robe had big bell sleeves that looked like wings. I was curious to see my body under the robe but the really strange thing was that there didn't seem to be a body under it, the robe itself was my body! Don't ask me to explain that, I can't. I looked, felt and acted just like a happy, innocent little child with not a care in the world. I stood there at Jesus' feet for a long time and then I began to fly, float or ascend upwards like I was on an invisible elevator. I could feel the sensation of motion and going upwards. I passed the hem of His robe which was creamy ivory colored and hung in folds. Up, up I went past His legs, body and arms. The excitement was so great, it was almost unbearable. At that time, I remember that there had been great controversy about Oral Roberts having related his vision of Jesus Christ and that He had been 900 feet high. I'm sure you all remember that and all of the jokes and ridicule that was made of him. I even made a little fun of him myself, I recall though I didn't mean to disbelieve him. Well, you could hear me very plainly exclaiming on the tape "Oh, it's just like Oral Roberts said! Jesus is 900 feet tall!!" I was just laughing and laughing. When Jesus had walked into the room, He was about 6 feet tall so why He chose to appear to me 900 feet tall, I don't know but I have suspicions. Hey, anyway Jesus wants to appear to us, is alright with me! My Visit To Heaven Part Three I traveled the length of that tall, tall Body and it seemed to take weeks to make the trip but eventually I arrived and came to rest upon Jesus' shoulder! Oh, boy, what a view from there! This place seemed to have desert like places or at least it kind of looked like Israel and there were mountains in the back ground but I saw no vegetation that I remember or any other forms of life. Of course, I wasn't really looking for anything because all I could see was my Savior's face. O, that glorious face! As I perched there, I remember saying out loud so that the people in the room could hear me and it was on the tape, "I'm sitting on Jesus' shoulder like a little bird! I'm like a little bird!" (Don't ask me why, that's just how it was.) Jesus turned His head and smiled at me. He was so beautiful! He was very masculine but very beautiful at the same time. He had dark brown hair down to His shoulders and a short beard and a moustache. His voice was very gentle and loving. But oh, those Eyes! It was like looking into pools of liquid love. They were deep and brown and they smiled when He smiled. I felt like I could just fall into them and live there forever. He said to me that we could all fly up to Him in the Spirit if we really wanted to. He said the key was to forget your physical body, mind and eyes and start seeing with your spiritual eyes. I wasn't sure what He meant but I would later. The really strange thing (but not strange at the time. It seemed totally natural.) was that we didn't have to communicate with our mouths if we didn't want to. I seemed to hear His voice in my mind and all I had to do was think a thought and He heard it immediately. We were just totally connected in our minds. I guess that's what they mean by having the mind of Christ. Well, I did for that space in time, I know that. Then Jesus took me in the palm of His hand and I sat there looking up at Him in total adoration. I had never been so happy in my life. I felt like I belonged for the first time in my life. I felt like I was truly Home. That I was LOVED for the first time, understood, accepted for me. Just being me. For the first time. That I was important to God. That He loved ME. Oh, what an awesome feeling. To someone like me who had never felt loved or accepted by anyone including my own family, I'm telling you, it was like nothing else I had ever experienced in my life. Jesus and I talked for a long time. We laughed, we told jokes, we shared many things. Then Jesus leaned over and whispered into my ear for a long time and I remember this great big smile on my little face and my eyes got big and I was so surprised and happy and amazed at what He was telling me. Now up until this point, I was still telling the people what I was seeing and hearing but at this point Jesus did not allow me to share what He was whispering into my ear. It was for me alone. I heard what He was saying at the time but when I came back into my body, I could not remember one thing He told me then. It was like it was sealed. Maybe He was speaking things into my spirit, giving me revelations and gifts and promises to come back to me later when I needed them. I don't know and it used to really bother me that I could not remember but then I accepted that He knew best and that He chose to do it that way and that was alright. I saw alot of things that I could not describe or explain also so those things were not shared with the group either but I did the best I could in sharing everything. It seemed really important to me to be able to do that. I didn't want them to be left out and several of these people, I didn't even know but God did. I seemed to spend days with Jesus there in that place and I never wanted it to end but then somehow I knew that it was going to. I was kind of torn, I guess you could say. I knew there was more He wanted to show me but I didn't want to leave Him. He stretched out His hand with me in it and I began to ascend upwards again and I knew that I was going to yet another part of Heaven. I looked back at Him longingly and then I looked up and I saw a golden glow coming from up ahead. Now this is the part that I hate and that I kicked myself for over and over and over the rest of my life until I began to understand. I began to pull back. To resist going upwards. I said out loud "No, I can't stand it! It's unbearable!" The joy and the glory was too much. "I can't go!" And somehow I knew it was okay, that I could have gone but it was okay if I didn't. I knew later that I could have gone right into that holy city and into the Throne Room but I was only a baby Christian and the holiness and glory of God was so strong that I felt that it was going to absolutely melt me. That I was not prepared for it yet. I was not worthy. This is my greatest regret in life. Knowing that I could have gone but I did not. But I know I will have another chance. Jesus made me to know that it was alright, that I didn't have to go and I began to slowly descend back down the way I had come. I began to drop down through swirls of colors and I remember the emerald green color and those universes that seemed to be made of whipped cream. (Don't ask.) The feeling of weightlessness was incredible but I kept dropping until I went all the way down into the room and went back into my body and just collapsed on the floor. Believe me, it was not a good feeling going back into that body. It seemed like such a weight and a burden. As I lay there not knowing what to think, but aware that I was back, Jesus began to talk to the people in the room through me. But the things He was saying shocked me so that I refused to say them. I became afraid. He was telling me to say things like "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair." to one of the ladies and I thought, "This can't be God. He doesn't know anything about fairy tales!" (Duh!) Oh, how dumb we can be sometimes! Jesus can use anything He likes to get His point across. Finally, I got up the courage to say that to the lady and she was so blessed and excited. (Remember, I was still lying face down on the floor with my eyes closed, not seeing anyone.) Well, later, I found out that this dear lady had lost all of her hair due to illness and that she was wearing a wig. Only God knew that and what that phrase would mean to her. So I said it and later, her hair began to grow. I gave several more words like that to other people and then I just cut it off because I felt so strange talking like that. Oh, how I regret doing that! I had just been in the presence of God and yet I was back in my body around other human beings and I was afraid that they would think I was crazy and reject me. It took me many years to actually get set free of this fear and to learn to be obedient to the Spirit and to listen to His voice. I stayed on the floor for a long time in silence and little by little the other people began to stir and to get up and leave. I don't think there was a lot of talking going on as no one could speak after what had just happened. My friends came to help me up when I began to come out of the spirit and I could barely stand up. I looked at them but I couldn't see. I couldn't function. I said "What is wrong with me? I can't see." They helped me to the restroom and I went in and stood at the sink staring into the mirror and my sight began to come back but I didn't recognize myself. I wondered who that was looking at me. I looked so old! lol I was still that innocent little girl. I felt like I weighed a thousand pounds. Going from total weightlessness to this was some adjustment! I didn't like it! I didn't know how to walk. I felt like I was floating. I just could not get used to being back on earth. I probably stayed in there for a long time and finally came out and my friend said "You've been seeing with your spiritual eyes. You'll have to get used to seeing with your natural eyes again." and I said "Oh." I could not drive home (yeah right!) I was so "drunk" in the spirit, I can only wonder what would have happened if I had tried! Can you imagine the policeman who would have stopped me! They would have locked me up! But then again, the anointing was so strong on me that he might have fallen on his face if he had touched me! I had never had that experience before but have had it a few times since. It's a wonderful feeling but not one you can stand for too long. Believe me, there is no strong drink on this earth that can make you feel like being "intoxicated" in the Spirit and I only use that term because I can't think of anything else. There are no words to describe being filled, running over and "one" with the Spirit of the Lord. And if you are not pure and living holy, you couldn't stand it anyway. It would burn you up. I think that's one reason I felt I couldn't go into the Presence of the Father. I was not pure enough to bear His holiness. But I could have gone. I could have gone. I comfort myself with that thought. Throughout the years since, I have begged, pleaded and cried for Jesus to please just let me come back up there for just a teeny, tiny little second. I would have given the rest of my life for the priviledge. I have never felt at home on this earth since then and life just seems to be something to "hurry up and get over with" so that I can go home. Do you understand what I am saying? I want to go back "Home." I have been visited by Jesus on two other occasions and I have seen Heaven in a trance like vision of which I related to you in the poem Golden Clouds in a Silver Sky but I have not set foot back in that glorious place since. Writing this now, makes it all come back to me so alive and so real that I feel myself longing for it again with all my heart. And I know that it's there in another realm just beyond my natural eyesight. And I know that I can go into the presence of my Lord anytime that I want to if I will just lay myself down and forget my selfish needs and worship Him. And sometimes I get impatient and sometimes I get frustrated with myself and the rest of the world and I just want to say "Okay, people! Let's get this thing together so we can all go home and be with Jesus!" He wants us there with Him even more than we want to be there with Him. Some of us love this world too much and some of us want to go on and do great things on this earth and accomplish something and live to be old and have health, wealth and all of that but people, I'm telling you that there is NOTHING in this life or this world that can compare to being in His presence for just one second of time. NOTHING! Okay, I've got to stop or I'm going to be crying. Oh, Jesus, how I love You and need You! Please let me hear the sound of that gentle voice again and look into those eyes again and feel that all encompassing love again. Please, Lord! And I thank You for letting me share this after all these years and I thank You that You will use this true story to reach many hurting, lonely souls who have wondered what Heaven is like and if You are real. Show Yourself to them like You did me, Lord. Make Yourself real to them. Let them experience Your love and someday........let me meet them all in Paradise. Thank You.
Testimony of Heaven,
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Be Ready in Season and Out of Season
I got this word which was very freeing over a year ago and feel it is one of those NOW words that needs to be put up from time to time for other lambs with the same struggles to hear, heal, and be encouraged.
It's been quite a while since I had something to share from my heart because of all the shifts and changes that left me in a state of raw existence.
This revelation I received is one that i so desperately needed. This came in my talk with Voo on Saturday. We joked around about recording our conversations because when the Spirit gets a hold of us SO MUCH is revealed and unfolds with a GREATER sense of His Peace and KNOWING that puts the soul at ease from the restless and agitating battles of daily uncertainty.
The Lord got me up very early this morning and showed me more of this revelation so I can share it with those who will hear what the Spirit is saying to set us free.
I have been in such spiritual turmoil for months since the flow of the Spirit I was in for about four years just STOPPED. I prayed, struggled and wrestled with this sudden turn of events. Honestly I thought I wouldn't have to go through this very dry time since I have been through it a number of times before.
Is there a pattern here? In my heart I wanted to know where I went wrong. Since I couldn't get any answers I just kind of gave up and distracted myself with whatever I could to just get through the day. The demonic forces were pressing hard against my flesh with temptation upon temptations. Did I resist? Most times I didn't. I fell right into one trap after another.
During all this the Lord was faithful in answering my prayers from my mom’s passing to other concerns, needs and petitions I had. He continually showed His Love for me despite my weakness and pulling away from my personal time with Him.
You begin to understand that His Gifts and Callings are without repentance (Romans 11:29.)
With the needless constant struggle the Spirit began to reveal what I found to be simply freeing from my present state of existence.
I hope I can bring it forth in the Way He was showing me these past few days. In fact it was partially revealed a few weeks ago in my talk with Voo, but I wasn't quite ready to receive it in my heart just yet.
It has to do with being ready, ready for what? Ready to just BE before we can be ready to do when the need arises.
A lot of our struggle is in those times when the flow of the Spirit seems to just STOP. What do we do? We strive to find out where we went wrong. That beloved is the ongoing battle with our flesh ie our old nature. It has to do with our very identity. If we can all be honest, much of what we do for the Lord is what we seem to identify with. Whether it be our gifts, talents, abilities, seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and being in touch with the Spirit, ministry, etc.
Shouldn't we always be flowing in the Spirit? It depends on how we perceive what it means to flow in the Spirit. Is it from our point of view or from our Creator?
The answer also lies in the fact that we are partakers of HIS DIVINE NATURE. It's who we are in Him not on what we do that we receive such a nature. That part of us that is buried and hid with Christ in our Elohim! The world will never see and who we really are. Only those who have his Spirit will know.
What we need to look at is this. There is a difference between flowing in the Spirit and BEING in the Spirit. The flow of the Spirit is like a faucet. Do we leave the faucet running with water continuously? NO! To do so would be to waste what is not needed. That is the connection beloved. When the need is there for the water to flow when one is thirsty, others are thirsty or to cleanse our bodies from the filth of the world the faucet is turned on. When the need is not there the facet is turned off. The water (Spirit) is still there, but the flow stops until the need arises again.
John 3:8
" The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit."
The wind of the Spirit comes and goes as HE wishes. The coming is in the REST of abiding and KNOWING who we are in Christ, and the going is the release of the Spirit when He moves on you for a particular need personally or for the benefit of His Body.
The rest is in the times of BEING STILL when the flow stops. To KNOW(stay connected with Him and) that HE is the Almighty and we are HIS. We are Born of His Spirit, born from above marked out in Him. Being at Peace and content with Knowing (our Union and connection with Him) outside of the mundane daily existence of this life is how we stand ready during the time out of season. When all seems dormant and the flow stops.
You know what the Lord said to me yesterday? I am more pleased when you’re learning how to be rather than striving to do, even if it's for me.
Matt 7:21-23
Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.
This revelation I received is one that i so desperately needed. This came in my talk with Voo on Saturday. We joked around about recording our conversations because when the Spirit gets a hold of us SO MUCH is revealed and unfolds with a GREATER sense of His Peace and KNOWING that puts the soul at ease from the restless and agitating battles of daily uncertainty.
The Lord got me up very early this morning and showed me more of this revelation so I can share it with those who will hear what the Spirit is saying to set us free.
I have been in such spiritual turmoil for months since the flow of the Spirit I was in for about four years just STOPPED. I prayed, struggled and wrestled with this sudden turn of events. Honestly I thought I wouldn't have to go through this very dry time since I have been through it a number of times before.
Is there a pattern here? In my heart I wanted to know where I went wrong. Since I couldn't get any answers I just kind of gave up and distracted myself with whatever I could to just get through the day. The demonic forces were pressing hard against my flesh with temptation upon temptations. Did I resist? Most times I didn't. I fell right into one trap after another.
During all this the Lord was faithful in answering my prayers from my mom’s passing to other concerns, needs and petitions I had. He continually showed His Love for me despite my weakness and pulling away from my personal time with Him.
You begin to understand that His Gifts and Callings are without repentance (Romans 11:29.)
With the needless constant struggle the Spirit began to reveal what I found to be simply freeing from my present state of existence.
I hope I can bring it forth in the Way He was showing me these past few days. In fact it was partially revealed a few weeks ago in my talk with Voo, but I wasn't quite ready to receive it in my heart just yet.
It has to do with being ready, ready for what? Ready to just BE before we can be ready to do when the need arises.
A lot of our struggle is in those times when the flow of the Spirit seems to just STOP. What do we do? We strive to find out where we went wrong. That beloved is the ongoing battle with our flesh ie our old nature. It has to do with our very identity. If we can all be honest, much of what we do for the Lord is what we seem to identify with. Whether it be our gifts, talents, abilities, seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and being in touch with the Spirit, ministry, etc.
Shouldn't we always be flowing in the Spirit? It depends on how we perceive what it means to flow in the Spirit. Is it from our point of view or from our Creator?
The answer also lies in the fact that we are partakers of HIS DIVINE NATURE. It's who we are in Him not on what we do that we receive such a nature. That part of us that is buried and hid with Christ in our Elohim! The world will never see and who we really are. Only those who have his Spirit will know.
What we need to look at is this. There is a difference between flowing in the Spirit and BEING in the Spirit. The flow of the Spirit is like a faucet. Do we leave the faucet running with water continuously? NO! To do so would be to waste what is not needed. That is the connection beloved. When the need is there for the water to flow when one is thirsty, others are thirsty or to cleanse our bodies from the filth of the world the faucet is turned on. When the need is not there the facet is turned off. The water (Spirit) is still there, but the flow stops until the need arises again.
John 3:8
" The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit."
The wind of the Spirit comes and goes as HE wishes. The coming is in the REST of abiding and KNOWING who we are in Christ, and the going is the release of the Spirit when He moves on you for a particular need personally or for the benefit of His Body.
The rest is in the times of BEING STILL when the flow stops. To KNOW(stay connected with Him and) that HE is the Almighty and we are HIS. We are Born of His Spirit, born from above marked out in Him. Being at Peace and content with Knowing (our Union and connection with Him) outside of the mundane daily existence of this life is how we stand ready during the time out of season. When all seems dormant and the flow stops.
You know what the Lord said to me yesterday? I am more pleased when you’re learning how to be rather than striving to do, even if it's for me.
Matt 7:21-23
Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.
Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?'
"And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'
It's during these times of not doing. It’s during this time of being out of season that we should just enjoy Him alone, just hangin with Him without words. Without the need to fill in the gaps and being at Peace when you’re not seeing anything, hearing anything, etc. To just KNOW that I am my beloveds and He is mine and HIS BANNER (His sign for all to see) over me is LOVE!
Another personal struggle I have been having is when the times that are soon approaching get more difficult and the world is in its greatest turmoil and chaos, how will I be? Will I be able to handle it? How will I handle my own, my daughters and husbands fears? How will I minister to others, etc.
With the recent revelation my heart was open to HEAR the answers to these plaguing questions.
When THE NEED arises the FLOW OF MY SPIRIT will pour out of your lives to be what you need to be, do what you need to do and handle everything thrown your way.
When we learn to not strive but just (be ready) STAND and be CONTENT with Him during the dry, deserted, out of season, the flows been cut off times, then when it's time to flow and pour out see and hear what He is saying, we will be ready just the same. This is how we keep His Peace and pursue it.
Philippians 4
In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
The things which ye both learned and received and heard and saw in me, these things do: and the God of peace shall be with you.
But I rejoice in the Lord greatly, that now at length ye have revived your thought for me; wherein ye did indeed take thought, but ye lacked opportunity.
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therein to be content.
I know how to be abased, and I know also how to abound: in everything and in all things have I learned the secret both to be filled and to be hungry, both to abound and to be in want.
I can do all things in him that strengtheneth me.
Howbeit ye did well that ye had fellowship with my affliction.
And ye yourselves also know, ye Philippians, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church had fellowship with me in the matter of giving and receiving but ye only;
for even in Thessalonica ye sent once and again unto my need.
Not that I seek for the gift; but I seek for the fruit that increaseth to your account.
But I have all things, and abound: I am filled, having received from Epaphroditus the things that came from you, and odor of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well-pleasing to God.
And my God shall supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
It's time we LET GO of ourselves, our pain, our struggles, our disappointments, what we identify with when it comes to our callings and to COUNT ALL THINGS LOST that we may KNOW (INTIMATELY come in union with) Him~
I hope you come by and give this new blog a read. I haven't blogged much and if you read you'll understand why and receive further revelation that will help, whether you struggling like I did or need to be ready at all times.
In His Eternal Love~
Linda Rose
Be Ready In All Seasons,
Linda Rose
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Gray Days ~ Capture You
I read two poems by Angie called, Gray Days and Capture You accompanied by instrumental music in the background. I hope to do more in the future. I will post both poems below the player.
Be blessed in Abba Yahweh Yeshua, and thank you for coming by to give this a listen.
Linda Rose

Be blessed in Abba Yahweh Yeshua, and thank you for coming by to give this a listen.
Linda Rose
Capture You,
Gray Days,
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