Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard (Audio allegory)

This book (audio book) is like Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress only in that they are both allegories that give a wonderful overview and perspective of the Christian life. But Hinds Feet in High Places has much more heart, and I found it to stir the heart and soul in deep ways. It is the story of Much-Afraid leaving the Valley of Fear that she has always known, and embarking on a journey to become new creation.

The thing about this book is that it talks about the deepest longings and fears of our hearts in following God--following Him when we can't see ahead of us, when we feel like we're going in circles, when we feel like He is not taking us where we want to go, and how following Him can mean laying down the deepest desires of our hearts just because God asks us to, and we know Him to be good and loving.

I enjoyed this book immensely, and found it both challenging and filled with grace; which is a rare find in Christian books which often offer only one or the other. All in all this is a love story between Much Afraid and her God; a God who calls her to a path that is filled with sorrow and suffering that take her to a deeper place of dependence on him, and also a God who is there the instant she calls for Him.

This is a book that I will probably read every couple of years, as I am at different places in my own journey, and will always see something new that I didn't see before.(Review by Bethany McKenney)

I hope you take the time to listen and enjoy this audio allegory read from the book "Hinds Feet on High Places." Abba used this book to show me so much about my own fears and insecurities. He also used this book to deliver me from smoking years ago. It is a CLASSIC and one I hope you come to appreciate and treasure in your deeper walk with Abba Father as I have.


Linda @->--