Friday, May 25, 2012

Your Name, Yeshua (and some sad news)

A few week backs during my prayer time with Abba Father, i got the music to a poem song, that was written from a book i am reading called, "My all for Him." (by Basilea Shlink) The book is about a moving collection of messages mostly in prose and with some in verse. Basilea Shlink, is the founder of the Sisterhood of Mary in Darmstadt, Germany. Each meditation calls us to a deep and abiding love for Yeshua (our Bridegroom.) These meditations are quite short, but profound in expressing challenging aspects of the demands of Yahweh (God) upon Christian believers. How to live for Christ, and how this way leads to true happiness.

i also combined another song i sang years ago, when i led worship in the small church where i went to as a young believer. The song is called, "There's Something about that Name."

It fits well as a chorus to the rest of the words penned by Basilea. There are additional lines in the song given to me by the Holy Spirit that  brought the song together as well. i also changed the name from Jesus to Yeshua, because for me i desire to call Him by His true Hebrew Name. 

i will put the lyrics and music player to the song below~

Well today marks the end of the guitar i have been using for the past few years to record the Spiritsongs. The owner of the guitar came by today to pick it up from out of state in order to make his final closure of this area. He and his daughter used to live here a year ago. It was a sad day saying goodbye to a guitar that has been such a blessing. : (
i do have another one, but it's not that good for recording.  This may be my last song. i leave it all in the Lord's hands.

Your Name, Yeshua 

Source of my joy, oh Yeshua
most dear
Yeshua, Your Name is the sweetest to hear
Ringing with joy in my heart day and night
Waking me up with the first rays of light

Yeshua, i love You. Yeshua, i adore You

Yeshua, Your Name is joyful to hear
And when i call on that Name, You are here
Take my heart, Lord, and Your home it shall be
Could any guest be more welcome to me?

Yeshua, i love You. Yeshua, i adore You


Yeshua (3x's) There is something about that Name.
Master, Savior, Yeshua
Like the fragrance after the rain
Yeshua(3x's) Let all heaven and earth proclaim
Kings and kingdoms shall all pass away
But there's something about that Name

True life now means to love only You
And let my thoughts belong wholly to you
You are the one i hold dearest and best
And in Your love You allow me to rest

Out of my heart comes sweet melody
SO men in Your likeness in my life will see
They too will choose you for their love alone
And this shall bring them to heaven's bright throne


Your Name, Yeshua
There's something about the Name, Yeshua
Name above all names, Yeshua
i love You, Yeshua
i adore You, Yehshua (Repeat)

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