Saturday, February 19, 2011

Invisible People written by Netty Daniel and Narrated by Spiritsong

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Invisible people walking down the street
Can’t let them trample upon your sweet fantasy.
You sense them coming and turn the other way,
Their bleeding hearts an inconvenient display.

Invisible people cross in front of you
How dare their lives become your burden?
You have your own life to be concerned about
Not gonna be another one of love’s minions.

I heard a lady was arrested today,
For stealing cat food, a can of Friskies buffet (true story)
She had no money, she had nobody to phone
Your ears were closed ignoring her painful groans.

She had no cats, silver haired and so frail

Now she was headed to the local jail.
When asked to give a defense for her crime,
She said I eat it, ortherwise I would die.

Invisible people walking down the street
Can’t let them trample upon your sweet fantasy.
You sense them coming and turn the other way,
Their bleeding hearts an inconvenient display.

Invisible people cross in front of you
How dare their lives become your burden?
You have your own life to be concerned about
Not gonna be another one of love’s minion.

The hardest part about this whole stinkin mess
It’s not the sharks or the world they infest.
Religious pseudos are those who cause the real pain
Thinking godliness is profit for gain.

You mock the homeless, blame it all on their sin
You have a nice home, big fireplace in your den.
Such a sad plight, are those on society
Praise God at least He’s meeting all of your needs.
Invisible people walking down the street
Can’t let them trample upon your sweet fantasy.
You sense them coming and turn the other way,
Their bleeding hearts an inconvenient display.

Invisible people cross in front of you
How dare their lives become your burden?
You have your own life to be concerned about
Not gonna be another one of love’s minion.

You turned your head because you just couldn't watch
Invisible people, sinking in their painful ship.
But your the first to toss bouquet on the sea
With salty tears saying ...thank God that's not me.

Their painful cries rise up to Abba above,

Who sees you psuedos, your faith clothed in your self-love.
You know religion, and the scriptures you twist
As you continue in your ignorant bliss.

Written by Netty Daniel and narrated by Linda Rose ~ Spiritsong

1 comment:

  1. Dear precious Linda. I am so touched by you taking the time to do this. What an incredible blessing for me to have this as a memory of this time in our lives when Abba is doing so much in Mike and me, bringing you along to lift our weary arms in battle. That poem came out of deep pain from years of seeing the "invisible" people passed by in this world. The lonely,perceived homely, unlovely, and poor. Society has discarded them and become so fast paced and self absorbed. Sadly the church has also become self-centered; wrapped up in entertainment and the pursuit of happiness in lieu of Abba. I praise that I have found a sister of like-minded faith, and a heart for the invisible people. God bless, Netty


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Thank you : ) Linda Rose ~ Spiritsong