I want to share with you the GREATEST GIFT our loving heavenly Father, The Creator of ALL things, (both seen and unseen) has given to ALL of His created human beings in His Son, Yahshua Jesus...Even while we all were (and still are) sinners by nature, Messiah Yahshua Jesus died for us all on that tree. (Deuteronomy 21:22-23; Acts 10:34-39)
There is NO sin, or amount of sin in your life that cannot be forgiven.
For ALL have sinned (violated Yahovah God’s Commands and loving instructions in righteousness written in His Word.) ALL of us have drifted, and have fallen away from our most beloved Creator and Father God.
If ‘you’ confess your sins, and sincerely cry out in Repentance (‘To turn from doing your own thing and going your own way,) with a broken heart, He, Yahshua, will forgive you of all your sins and cleanse you from all your unrighteousness. Yahovah God so loved all His created beings on this earth, that He gave His Son Yahshua Jesus,
so that whoever will believe in ~ put your faith and trust in, and surrender daily your heart and life to Him, will not perish (receive eternal death and separation from Yahovah God, your Creator, but will receive eternal Life in Him (John 3:16/Emphasis added )
He so loves and gave His Life for YOU who are broken, downcast, forsaken, a sinner, and ALL who have lost their way back to our loving heavenly Father through the shed blood and finish work of Yahshua Jesus.
*Unless His Spirit draws, how can you come to Him?
*CHOOSE this day, eternal Life or death?
*CHOOSE salvation and deliverance or destruction and eternal separation?
*CHOOSE the ULTIMATE GIFT of Life, Yahshua Jesus, who died for YOU, so that YOU will have Life in Him
*Come back home to Abba Father! He loves YOU so much!!!
But from there (wherever you are,) YOU will seek Yahovah God Your Elohim, and will find Him, when YOU seek and search for Him, with all your heart, soul and being… In YOUR distress, when all these words shall come to pass in the latter (end of) days, then YOU shall RETURN to Yahovah God, your Elohim, and will obey His voice. For Yahovah God is a compassionate EL. He will not forsake YOU, nor will He destroy the COVENANT of your fathers which He swore to them…. (Deauteronomy 4:29-32)
Yahovah God is NEAR to the broken-hearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Psalms 34:18)
He HEALS UP the broken-hearted and BINDS UP their wounds. (Psalms 34:18)
Linda Rose ~ Spiritsong
*John 4:1-45 ~ Luke 4:18* / *Tsiyon.org
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