Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Who Can Comprehend
It has been quite some time since I was able to record some new Spiritsongs. Two weeks ago I recorded and put two new songs up on my godly Christian music page. If you click on the icon to the left it should take you right to my music page. They will say new next to the songs. Right now it seems the godly Christian music site is down. Hopefully it will come back up soon.
I haven't uploaded this new song I just recorded yesterday called, Who Can Comprehend, since it can take more than a week or more for the songs I upload on the site to go through and show up on my music page. I downloaded the new song on my Reverbnation page. Just click on the song player to hear the new song
I hope you enjoy and it is a blessing to you ~
Here are the words below
Yahweh, Your my Abba Father, Abba Father, Yahweh
Yah so loved the world that he gave his Son to die for us
Who can comprehend, such a price to be paid for you and I
I thank You and I praise You for this love you send down
from above, from above
There is nothing in this world that I desire except You alone,
You alone
Yeshua, my Messiah and redeemer, my Messiah, Yeshua
You delivered me from myself and sin up on that tree
Conquered death, hell and the grave, that we may have life forevermore
No greater love than He who would lay down His life for a friend, for a friend
I'm willing to count all things loss and endure with Yah, until the end, until the end.
Who Can Comprehend
Friday, November 15, 2013
"We Say, Witnesses!"
Joshua 24: 19-24
19 Then Yehoshua said to the people, “You are not able to serve יהוה, for He is a set-apart Elohim, a jealous Ěl is He. He does not bear with your transgression and with your sins, 20 if you forsake יהוה and shall serve mighty ones of a stranger. Then He shall turn back and do you evil and consume you, after He has been good to you.”
21 And the people said to Yehoshua, “No, but we do serve יהוה!”
22 Then Yehoshua said to the people, “You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen יהוה for yourselves, to serve Him.” And they said, “Witnesses!”
23 “And now, put away the mighty ones of the stranger which are in your midst, and incline your heart to יהוה Elohim of Yisra’ĕl.” 24 And the people said to Yehoshua, “יהוה our Elohim we serve, and His voice we obey.”
Joshua's words to Israel is pretty serious. The commitment Israel made to Yahweh spelled condemnation for those who did not keep it. How much more today, when we pledge ourselves to Messiah and do not keep our word of commitment to Him. Will we, too, bear the consequence of an empty promise? How often have we sung songs, shared a corporate prayer and testified, "We will serve..." "We are witnesses..."We listen to His voice,,,"? Our testimony becomes a witness against us, and we are judged by our own mouths.
It's a matter of devotion: we will serve the one in whom we are devoted to. Joshua urged, "turn aside from the gods of the foreigner...and incline your heart to Yahweh." Various other pursuits take up so much of our time that sometimes and even most often times we forgo our daily devotions and time spent with the Holy One. Who, then -or what-receives our devotion???
Yahweh wants to multiply us - to make us stronger, more efficient vessels of His Will. He is completely aware of our obstacles, but is asking us today, "For whom do you live?" "For whom do you serve?" How can we listen to hear His voice if we never stop long enough to hear him? Draw close to Yahweh-with your intent, your time and your priorities-and He will redeem everything you "give up." There is NOTHING more important, more crucial in life, than devotion to the Father. Especially your daily heart felt devotion that takes presidence over every other area of your life.
He is not to be just "part of the mix," nor an ingredient in the kitchen of life, or various parts of an engine to a car that gets you to where you are going. Yahweh is to be-ALL, and end-ALL of our existence, and He deserves our DAILY devotion to Him first in all things.
Father, convict me of my insincerity. Teach me how to make You my life's focus and to find all my strength, power, energy, ideas, productivity-my everything-only in You. Show Yourself faithful in my life, so that as I draw closer to You, You will draw closer to me. I "sacrifice" my time to You in obedience to Your desire to want to be with me, and me with You-not so that it will be redeemed, but because You are worth far more than my time and attention. Thank You, Yah...You are so awesome and mighty and worthy of praise! I will prove it to You with my actions.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Luke 20:17-18
17 But He looked at them and said, “What then is this that has been written, ‘The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief corner-stone’? 18 “Everyone who falls on that stone shall be broken, but on whomever it falls, he shall be pulverised.”
We often think of brokenness as the condition which we are left after the world has its way with us - that we come to Yeshua broken, asking Him to put us back together. After we have allowed the world to break us, we come to the Master with a pile of pieces that have been broken by human hands, hoping He can reform them.. But this is NOT the brokenness the Master desires for us.- in fact, He wants to be the One doing the breaking. When we allow Yeshua to break us, the pieces are formed by His Hands, and we cannot dictate the pattern with which we will be reconstructed.
We are all going to fall at sometime or another. So here is the question: When we fall, are we going to be on the stone or under it? When we fall, do we want our Yahweh Elohim to be able to pick us up again, or will we be completely annihilated? When we fall, are we falling on our knees to revere and worship, or are we falling from heights reached from our own self-exaltation?
Everyone will eventually fall because of Yeshua. Those who fall on the stone in humility - they will be broken to pieces and transformed into a vessel of honor.
(This is why when we read in Psalms what David wrote makes sense as to why Yahweh does not despise brokenness. Why? Because He is the One doing the breaking to bring us to repentance from all our pride and exalting self.
Psalm 51:16-18 (AMP)
Psalm 51:16-18 (AMP)
16 For You delight not in sacrifice, or else would I give it; You find no pleasure in burnt offering.
17 My sacrifice [the sacrifice acceptable] to God is a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart [broken down with sorrow for sin and humbly and thoroughly penitent], such, O God, You will not despise.)
But those who erect themselves and reject the cornerstone - they, and their kingdoms will fall and become as dust.
What does it mean to become truly broken? Brokenness is being on your knees before Yah, even when it's start to get a little uncomfortable. Brokenness is spreading out your arms, exposing your heart, looking up toward heaven, and saying, "I'm avalable." Brokenness is standing naked and still in the midst of your circumstances while proclaiming, "Yeshua is my Shepherd, I do not lack..."
Brokenness is praising Elohim, even when you don't feel like it.
Through Him, therefore, let us constantly and at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name.
Brokenness is hearing (listening closely) to the Holy Spirit...and not putting up a fight.
Abba Father, I have become rigid and dry; break me and change me into a holy vessel, worthy of Your service. Teach me right now what it means to be broken before You - before I fall under my own weight. I would rather be broken by You, than be whole in the world. Thank You Yahweh, that You are the Master Architect, and You see me now as I am suppose to be. Reshape me in Your image Yah - use me as You see fit. I love You and I trust You completely. In Yeshua's Name I ask these things. Your will be done!
Messianic Daily Devotional ~ Kevin Geoffrey
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Psalms 13 ~ How Long???

Psalms 13
1 To the chief musician. A Psalm of
Until when will You forget me, O
YAHWEH? Forever? Until when will
You hide Your face from me?
2 Until when shall I set counsel in
my soul, having sorrow in my heart
every day? Until when shall my enemy
be lifted up over me?
3 Look! Answer me, O YAHWEH, my
Elohim! Make my eyes gleam, lest I
sleep the death;
4 lest my enemy say, I have
overcome him; and my foes rejoice
when I am shaken.
5 But I have trusted in Your mercy.
My heart shall rejoice in Your
salvation (Y’shua*).
6 I will sing to YAHWEH, because He
has rewarded me
***Commentary by John Phillips
How long, How long? How long?
David wrote this psalm when he was exhausted and depressed. His troubles with King Saul had gone on year after year and he was dispirited and discouraged. He had already been driven by human expedients to escape his relentless foe. This psalm was wrung out of the extremity of his soul. He simply could not go on, not for another day, not for another hour, not for another minute.
Most of us have been there at some point or another. It may be a long drawn out sickness or financial problem of great severity or long standing, difficult, tangled, seemingly hopeless. It may be a wayward son or daughter, an alcoholic or workaholic spouse, an unsaved loved one. It may be a situation at work, a demanding unreasonable boss, a jealous spiteful fellow worker. We'll probably find ourselves in David's shoes over and over again.
But man's extremity is Yahweh's opportunity. When we are at our wits end, without resources, at loss for a way, perplexed and desperate-that is usually when we see Yah begin to work. But before He does anything about our situation He wants to do something about ourselves, and that is where we begin to hedge. We want Yahweh to deal with our complication; He wants todevelop our character. We want Him to change our circumstances; He wants to change us first. This is why He allowed the circumstances. We cry: "Hurry up, Yah!" He says, "It's your move. I won't move until you do." This is what this little psalm is about.
This psalm falls easily into three divisions. The keynote of the first division is the cry, "How long?" The keynote of the second division is the word "lest." The keynote of the third division is the word "but." We have sorrow (vs 1-2) We have supplication (vs 3-4) and song (vs 5-6). Here we have the story of a man taken out of a horrible pit and from the miry clay, his feet set upon a rock, and a new song put into his mouth-all within a half dozen verses which can be read in less than a minute.
I. Sorrow (vs 1-2)
How long? How long? How LONG? This is how this psalm begins. It starts with two interesting figures of speech. The first is called erotesis-asking questions without waiting for or expecting an answer. When driven into a corner by our circumstances we have all used this figure of speech in prayer, audible or unexpressed. How we love David for baring his inner soul to us this way! We have been there so often ourselves and have expostulated with Yahweh Elohim over His seemingly endless delays in the same way.
The second figure of speech is anaphora-repetition of the same word at the beginning of successive sentences. Its purpose is to add emphasis to statements and arguments by calling repeated attention to them. How long? How long? How long? It is David's rhetorical way of saying, "Here, Yah, I'm talking to You. I'm trying to get through to You!"
When I worked in Chicago sometimes I would try to phone home. With a wife and three teenage girls in the house, and one telephone, my chance of getting through was about one in four million! Many a time I put down the receiver in exasperation. You know what it's like! A busy signal. You call the operator and she tells you your phone is in good working order and "No sir, I can't disrupt a conversation unless it is an emergency." Nothing short of death, disaster, fire, famine, flood, earthquake, war or pestilence is an emergency! This is how David felt. How long? How long? How long? It was like getting a busy signal from Yahweh. So he uses this figure of speech to go around, as it were, and hammer at heavens door. Bang! Bang! Bang! Notice the two things which emerge from a study of David's spiritual frustration at this time.
A, His Seeming Abandonment
It seemed to David that Yah had forgotten him: "How long will You forget me, O Yah, for ever?" How swiftly time flies when we are having a good time! We can hardly believe it when we look at the clock and realize that an hour, two hours, five hours have gone. But when we are in trouble-then time seems to creep by on leaden feet. And we cry, "How long? How long?" Is this vain repetition?
Come for a moment to an olive yard, near the oil press in a garden at the foot of the hill called Olivet about a half a mile from Jerusalem. It is late at night. The central Figure has three men with Him. His other eight friends he left a distance away. One of His friends is at that moment rounding up a band of ruffians, in keeping with his bargain with the evil men who have bought his loyalty for the price of a slave. The central One, Yeshua, speaks to His three friends: "Wait here, watch and pray." He walks on "a stones cast" (the distance of death) silently and alone. He has come to Gethsemane. he prays, "Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass Me, nevertheless not mine, but Your will be done." Sweat covers His brow and groans fill the garden, but Peter, James, and even John are sound asleep. Even human sympathy is denied Him in His hour of need.
The loooong night drags on. An angel comes from heaven to strengthen Him for the anguish. He prays more earnestly. He is in agony, and his sweat becomes as it were drops of blood falling down to the ground. At last he goes to His disciples and they are fast asleep. He wakes them and urges them to pray.
Again He withdraws Himself that somber distance, about fifty yards, and again He prays, "saying the same words." The moments creep by as He gazes into that dreadful cup. It's not the thought of death that crushes Him, but the though of being abandoned by Yahweh. Here in Gethsemane, He is taking His first three sips of that dreadful cup.
Once more the lonely Man seeks out His human friends. It almost seems as though they are in a stupor. They blink at Him in the darkness. The Holy Spirit tells us that "they knew not what to answer Him." He leaves them to their sleep and walks silently, slowly, in utter isolation back to the worn, tear drenched spot where he wrestled with Yah alone. And again He prays a third time, "saying again," The Holy Spirit records the same words. When we find ourselves there (like I, Linda Rose Ann'e' have been over the summer) Let us remember that He our great High Priest, knows the spot well - the place where it seems Abba Yah has abandoned us.
David felt Yahweh in heaven had forgotten him. Worse, he though Yah had forsaken him" "How long will You hide Your face from me?"
One thing we have and continue to learn is that Yah is NEVER in a hurry. The kind of work He wishes to accomplish in our souls can be accomplished only if sufficient time is given to allow His plans to ripen and mature.
Our seeming abandonment by Yah when we hammer at Heaven's door does not mean that we have been forgotten. Yahweh KNOWS what He is doing. The intensity of our trial is controlled from on high. he has something to teach us. he has an end product in mind. Things are moving forward so slowly, from our impatient viewpoint, that we cannot see it, but He can.
*This is a song I did from the original song of Knockin on heavens doors, but the words are changed to reflect Yah's child knocking on heaven's doors and not the worlds. Sung by Spiritsong ~ Linda Rose
B. His Sorrowful Abandonment
David had been brought low low by his feelings. "How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily?" If we have ever been through some great trial we know what David was talking about. If we haven't been there yet, we will be. Job said, "Man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward." David was talking about that knot in the stomach, that lead-weight in the breast that makes the thought of food nauseating, that blights every joy, as a cool winter's blast withers the summer's flowers. We can't sleep, can't eat, can't settle to anything. Every time we try and get our mind on something else, back it comes - that gnawing ache inside (That for me has been too close to home throughout this past summer.)
At this point in his spiritual pilgrimage, David was no longer the master of his emotions, his feelings had brought him low. He had also been brought low by his foes. "How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?" It seemed as though Saul was bound to win. He had the means and he had the power. The resources of the nation were being harnessed, not to fight the philistines, but to hound and hunt David. The heat was on.
II. Supplication (vs 3-4)
In the first two verse, David had been crying out, almost incoherently, and certainly emotionally. Now he turned to deliberate, rational, and thoughtful prayer.
A. Overwhelmed by His Emotions.
"Consider and hear me O Yah, my Elohim: lighten my eyes, let I sleep the sleep of death." He was so worn out by his long drawn out emotional drain that he was afraid it would bring him to an early grave.
But then he nailed his emotions to a glorious truth: he called upon God as Yahweh my Elohim! Yahweh - the God of promise, and Elohim - the God of power.For Saul could never win! Had not Samuel the prophet taken the holy anointed oil and anointed David as Israel's next king? David was going to reign no matter what Saul could do! In other words, David nailed emotions to the Word of Yahweh. Supplication brought a new dimension to the picture.
B. Overwhelmed by His Enemies
"Consider....lest my enemy say, I have prevailed against him; and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved."
A speaker gave a graphic illustration in a totally different context at the moody founder's Week conference some years ago. When he was young he considered himself the world's greatest checkers player, but there was an old man in town who was looked upon by the townsfolk as being the greatest. Our preacher friend was convinced that this was because he had never played him.
Well, one day this old fellow was sitting on the porch of his home when the young man went by. The old gentleman challenged him to a game. The young man dusted his hands. He'd show him! They put the pieces on the board; the young fellow made a couple of moves, and so did the old man. Then the younger player saw an opening and snapped up the one piece after another of his opponents men. He thought to himself: "Doesn't this fellow know he can't win by losing men like this?" He's a pushover."
Then it happened. Suddenly the old man leaned over the board and - click, click, click, click, click - five of the boy's pieces were swept away. The man had come all the way down the board. "Crown me!" he said. With a crestfallen look, the young man crowned the old man's piece. Then --- Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! - with that one piece the old man took every checker the young player had remaining on the board. He learned the value of losing a checker or two as long as he was heading for the kings territory.
What a lesson there is in that for us today. We can afford to give up a few things in life if we are going for the crown. We don't have to have everything we want. We can give up a few liberties, such as watching hours of tv at night, or going to places of worldly amusement, especially when we tell Yah (the Lord) we don't have time to ponder and pray. We don't have to have two jobs. We expect our missionaries to live by faith. Why should they have to when we don't? We can give up a few loyalties. The devil is very clever. He will get us all wrapped up in good things, good activities, good commitments and see to it that these things take up our time. Time that first belong to Yeshua, second to our children, and then to our fellowship gatherings. How much time do we really spend with our Yah? If our children have reached a point of rebellion and rejection, surely we need to spend a proportionate amount of time talking to Yahweh about them. The greater part of any loyalty we have left should be devoted to building up Yah's people in our local assembly and fellowship.
David was fretting that the enemy might rejoice if he was moved, that the enemy might say, "I have prevailed against him!" What Yahweh was teaching him was the value of utterly being in His will. Then the moves, even when they looked like losses, would be eternal and glorious gains.
III. Song (vs 5-6)
David had moved to the final stage of the soul's experience in a (long and lengthy) time (not the minute it took you to read this psalm) of trial and testing. He had come through tears to truth and through truth to triumph. Some people wonder how David could swing so swiftly from gloom to gladness. The secret is found in the middle section of the psalm where he gets his eyes firmly fixed on Yahweh his Elohim.
His song is in two parts.
A. He Can Sing Because of Yah's Salvation
"But I have trusted in Your mercy, my heart shall rejoice in your salvation."
is this salvation from sin? Probably that is included. Is this salvation from self? Probably that is included too. Is this salvation from satan? Surely that is included. But probably this salvation is also salvation from Saul. David is now standing on the victory side. So can we, for our salvation includes salvation from situations - in Yah's good time and way.
B. He Can Sing Because of Yahweh's Sufficiency
"I will sing unto Yahweh, because He has dealt bountifully with me."
Have David's actual circumstances changed? No. Has Saul called off his bloodhounds and bullies? No. Is Saul dead? No. Has David received a new shipment of arms? No. Nothing has changed. But David can sing because yahweh hasn't changed!
Notice that David put everything in the past tense: "He hath dealt bountifully with me." The change in his situation is so sure David reckons it as already having happened. No wonder he could sing!
Psalms 12. How long?
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Update and some commentary on Psalm 8
Greetings to any one out who may have stumbled onto this blog page on occasion. I haven't been around for quite some time. Lots of changes going on in my personal life that pretty much kept me away from recording any new songs, as well as keeping up with my blogger. Some of it has been good, but a lot of what I have been going through has been painful at times. The various triggers of late has brought me back to this temporary home for healing, catching up on recording, getting deeper into the Word and prayer, and connecting with whomever Abba Father wills for this season He has now called me into.
A recording program that was given to me as a gift got wiped out from a computer crash some months ago, After installing it again, I was unable to use it because I couldn't locate the code to install the full features. Whatever I do record, it will pretty much be somewhat raw and very little of the effects I have come to enjoy as part of my recording experience. I hope to have a song recorded sometime this weekend.
I wanted to share with you a beautiful scripture that some of you might know. along with some commentary on what really spoke to my own heart. I hope it will uplift and encourage you as well.
Psalm 8
1 O יהוה (YHWH), our Master, how excellent is Your Name in all the earth, You who set Your splendour above the heavens!
2 Out of the mouth of babes and infants You have founded strength, Because of Your adversaries, To put an end to enemy and avenger.
3 For I see Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have established.
4 What is man that You remember him? And the son of man that You visit him?
5 Yet You have made him a little less than Elohim, And have crowned him with esteem and splendour.
6 You made him rule over the works of Your hands; You have put all under his feet,
7 All sheep and oxen, And also the beasts of the field,
8 The birds of the heavens, And the fish of the sea, Passing through the paths of the seas.
9 O יהוה, our Master, How excellent is Your Name in all the earth!
The commentary I will be quoting from Is John Phillips. I have found his commentaries on Psalms and Proverbs to be a real blessing and inspiration that has given me a better depth of understanding as I read them.
It would take far too long to type out the whole commentary on Psalm 8, so I chose to include what He wrote about verse 8 and 9.
Care for Us the Way He Does
"And has crowned Him with glory and honor. You have made Him to have dominion over the heaven and the work of Your Hands. You have put all things under His feet. All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beast of the field.; the fowl of the air; and the fish of the sea, and whatever passes through the paths of the seas."
The writer of Hebrews relates this statement to Yeshua. He the second person of the Godhead, came down from the pinnacle of glory to be born in that Bethlehem barn. He was "made flesh," "made a little lower than the angels," that He might redeem ruined mankind.
The present queen of England was a teenager at the outbreak of World War II. As soon as she was old enough she asked her father, King George VI, to allow her to join the armed forces and serve Britain as others were doing. Her father finally allowed her to join the Auxiliary Territorial Service as a private. She had a superior officer who took pleasure in bossing and bullying her, It was, "Private Windsor do this, Private Windsor do that." "Yes sergeant! Yes, sergeant," was all Elizabeth could say. She was made a little lower than the noncommissioned officers for the sake of her service to her people. But then, on February 6, 1951, she received word that her father was dead. From that moment on she was Queen of England. She was no longer "Private Windsor," to be baited and badgered by a small minded non commissioned officer. She was, "Her Royal Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II." She had entered into the position to which she had been born, a position resigned temporarily for the call of duty. Never again did that officer address her as "Private Windsor."
Our glorious Lord has assumed again His throne on high. He has carried humanity with Him for there, in glory, He sits enthroned in a battle-scarred body of flesh! And we, the redeemed of Adams race, are to share that glory for all eternity.
In the meantime we are "a little lower than the angels." But that is only a temporary rank. We are under tutors and schoolmasters, but all that is going to end. Then we, too, shall be exalted higher than the highest archangels of glory, joint heirs with Messiah Yeshua of the ages to come.
"A little lower than the angels" is Yahweh's estimate of the human race. We are not " a little higher than the beasts"; we are"a little lower than the angels." Charles Darwin described man as "the most efficient animal ever to emerge on earth." What a degrading view of man! Man is not just an effient animal; he was made by an act of YHWH Elohim, and made in the image and likeness of Elohim. When the Son of Elohim stepped off the throne of the universe, to enter into human life He did not become "an efficient animal." He became a man. Yahweh has delivered into human hands dominion over the planet. Thou, "has crowned him with glory and honor. and made him to have dominion over the work Your Hands; You have put all things under his feet....the fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatever passes through the paths of the seas." Six things are listed in the psalm. IN David's day man's dominion was displayed in his power over the animals, power to domesticate and tame them and turn them to his use.
Today man's dominion is demonstrated in his ability to subjugate the forces of nature. The atom smashers have unleashed and harnessed the energy of the universe. The code breakers have unraveled the mysteries of DNA and RNA. Psychologists have explored the workings of the human brain. The marks of man's genius are everywhere despite the fall. Man is "a little lower than the angels," not an efficient anthropoid ape. Yahweh having created us, companions us and crowns us and commissions us. It is almost too wonderful for words!
"O Yahweh our Yah how excellent is Your Name in all the earth!"
The first and last verses are exactly the same in this psalm. We call it "an envelope psalm" because the opening and closing statements wrap up the truth which lies between.
Now it may be that someone challenges:You say, "O Yahweh our Yah, how excellent is Your Name in all the earth." Very well-prove greatness-look at the moon and stars; They are the works of Yahweh's fingers, not His Hand. The Bible speaks of Yahweh's arm, it speaks of Yahweh's Hand, and it speaks of Yahweh's fingers. There is far less power in a finger than there is in an arm. To create stars and satellites and suns Elohim needed only His fingers! That's how great He is!
But there is evidence of an even greater magnitude, His grace. Yahweh can orbit the Milky Way, the Andromeda galaxy, and a hundred million universes and toss them into space as mere handfuls of stardust-this Creator Yahweh God loves and cares for us! "O Yahweh our Yah, how excellent is Your Name in all the earth!"
Yahweh Elohim has no more to say. If we still want to argue He will simply bring us back to verse 1. Very well, let's go over it again." The psalm begins where it ends, ends where it begins, and completes the cycle endlessly and forever. "How excellent is Thy Name in all the earth!"
Psalm 8,
Spiritsong update
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Beyond the Veil
This post of the new song. Beyond the Veil," has been in my draft for almost two weeks, because the website that i now use to link the songs had not put my song up on their page till yesterday.
i hope the testimony and song will be a blessing and comfort to all who take the time to read my blog and listen to the music of Spiritsong.
i have been going through some personal struggles, and out of it came a song, that my sister in Messiah Yeshua Voo, who inspired the title, and Glenna who inspired the words to the new song. She has lovingly and patiently helped me through it. i have become stronger in our Yahweh because of it. i feel the song has been a gift from our loving Abba Father who knew how much i needed it! This ALL came together in one day. i have been very sick the past few days. The day before the song, i had severe chills and a high fever, sever sore throat. (strep) i felt like the living dead!
The song came the very next day. i got the words, music, and was able to record and download it on my computer in a matter of hours. i felt well enough to accomplish this even though my throat and ear has been hurting severely from the strep throat the day before. i was given this small window of opportunity to complete the song from beginning to end, without any strain to my vocals, and other complications from being very sick. Yahweh Elohim put it on my heart to call my friend Voo, who i hadn't spoken to in months. IN fact He told me specifically to call her cell number,which i rarely do. When she answered answered her cell phone, she was shocked! She told me her land line phone was cut off because with her being sick, she lost most of her cleaning jobs and couldn't pay her phone bill. She was able to get help to pay for her cell phone and other bills. .It was a VERY timely phone call. She got the swine flu and was bed ridden for over a month. It affected her kidneys and lungs that almost took her life. This sickness happened right at the time (where she lives in Little Rock AK,) when they got hit with a severe snow and ice storm.
A lot of lives were lost. There was a report AFTER THE FACT that the radiation level under the ice and snow was over a 100. Anything over 26 is harmful to our health. That is SO WICKED! i had prayed earlier before calling her and was given Ps 107. i thought it was for me personally, but as i talked further with Voo, it was also for her too. Yahweh gave me a vision of the enemy surrounding her with a dark cloud of darkness and death like a veil, but beyond the veil is the warmth, brightness, and radiance of our Creator's life and glory! After relating that to her, she said what i described was exactly how the day was yesterday for her before i called her. Very dark, foreboding, and a strong feeling of death. The day i called her (which would be the following day) the sun was shining bright and, the sky crisp and blue. i told her that the Father has been there for her all along, it's just that the enemies veil of deception had blinded her to that reality. Though the enemy puts forth the veil of darkness and death, beyond that is Yahweh's glory, life and radiance, which never changes, it remains the same.
It is ALWAYS THERE! It became a necessary revelation for Voo. (And for me too!) One that made her heart, soul and body feel lighter than she has felt in some time. She strongly questioned her faith and existence Elohim, but our Father's deep love for her brought the answers and healing she desperately needed that day. This is what inspired the title to the song, "Beyond the Veil." Not long after was i tested. That was also necessary to bring out the words to the song, along with the melody for the healing it has been bringing to me every time i hear it, and hopefully to others too. The personal struggle i have been going through have been like that cloud of darkness and death over me for months, but after the completion of the song, Yah's healing broke me through beyond that veil, to His loving and comforting Presence.
Below are the words to the song, followed by the player with the song for you to listen to.
Beyond the Veil (Click on this link to listen)
Beyond the Veil
When in sorrow and in pain, i will praise Yah's Holy Name
Even when i feel alone, i will praise You Holy Name
In sickness and in sleepless nights, i will praise Your Holy Name
The shadow of death at times i welcome, i will praise Your
Holy Name
Beyond the veil of darkness and death
Is the brightness of Your Life, and Your Glory
Beyond the veil of evil and shame
Awaits Your Peace, and Presence adoringly
Beyond the veil of suffering and pain
Ia the healing and comfort You give to me
Beyond the veil of hatred and strife
Is Your Love and Deliverance, now i'm free
You set me free, Yeshua, Beyond the veil (4x's, 2x's)
(End with...Beyond the veil, Yeshua (2x's)Beyond the veil (2x's)
Surrounded by the clouds of darkness, i will praise Yah's Holy
When at my worst, filled with despair, i will praise Your
Holy Name
When love grows cold, and we're hated because of You, i will praise Yah's Holy Name
Abounding evil and deception, i will praise Your Holy Name
This post of the new song. Beyond the Veil," has been in my draft for almost two weeks, because the website that i now use to link the songs had not put my song up on their page till yesterday.
i hope the testimony and song will be a blessing and comfort to all who take the time to read my blog and listen to the music of Spiritsong.
i have been going through some personal struggles, and out of it came a song, that my sister in Messiah Yeshua Voo, who inspired the title, and Glenna who inspired the words to the new song. She has lovingly and patiently helped me through it. i have become stronger in our Yahweh because of it. i feel the song has been a gift from our loving Abba Father who knew how much i needed it! This ALL came together in one day. i have been very sick the past few days. The day before the song, i had severe chills and a high fever, sever sore throat. (strep) i felt like the living dead!
The song came the very next day. i got the words, music, and was able to record and download it on my computer in a matter of hours. i felt well enough to accomplish this even though my throat and ear has been hurting severely from the strep throat the day before. i was given this small window of opportunity to complete the song from beginning to end, without any strain to my vocals, and other complications from being very sick. Yahweh Elohim put it on my heart to call my friend Voo, who i hadn't spoken to in months. IN fact He told me specifically to call her cell number,which i rarely do. When she answered answered her cell phone, she was shocked! She told me her land line phone was cut off because with her being sick, she lost most of her cleaning jobs and couldn't pay her phone bill. She was able to get help to pay for her cell phone and other bills. .It was a VERY timely phone call. She got the swine flu and was bed ridden for over a month. It affected her kidneys and lungs that almost took her life. This sickness happened right at the time (where she lives in Little Rock AK,) when they got hit with a severe snow and ice storm.
A lot of lives were lost. There was a report AFTER THE FACT that the radiation level under the ice and snow was over a 100. Anything over 26 is harmful to our health. That is SO WICKED! i had prayed earlier before calling her and was given Ps 107. i thought it was for me personally, but as i talked further with Voo, it was also for her too. Yahweh gave me a vision of the enemy surrounding her with a dark cloud of darkness and death like a veil, but beyond the veil is the warmth, brightness, and radiance of our Creator's life and glory! After relating that to her, she said what i described was exactly how the day was yesterday for her before i called her. Very dark, foreboding, and a strong feeling of death. The day i called her (which would be the following day) the sun was shining bright and, the sky crisp and blue. i told her that the Father has been there for her all along, it's just that the enemies veil of deception had blinded her to that reality. Though the enemy puts forth the veil of darkness and death, beyond that is Yahweh's glory, life and radiance, which never changes, it remains the same.
It is ALWAYS THERE! It became a necessary revelation for Voo. (And for me too!) One that made her heart, soul and body feel lighter than she has felt in some time. She strongly questioned her faith and existence Elohim, but our Father's deep love for her brought the answers and healing she desperately needed that day. This is what inspired the title to the song, "Beyond the Veil." Not long after was i tested. That was also necessary to bring out the words to the song, along with the melody for the healing it has been bringing to me every time i hear it, and hopefully to others too. The personal struggle i have been going through have been like that cloud of darkness and death over me for months, but after the completion of the song, Yah's healing broke me through beyond that veil, to His loving and comforting Presence.
Below are the words to the song, followed by the player with the song for you to listen to.
Beyond the Veil (Click on this link to listen)
Beyond the Veil
When in sorrow and in pain, i will praise Yah's Holy Name
Even when i feel alone, i will praise You Holy Name
In sickness and in sleepless nights, i will praise Your Holy Name
The shadow of death at times i welcome, i will praise Your
Holy Name
Beyond the veil of darkness and death
Is the brightness of Your Life, and Your Glory
Beyond the veil of evil and shame
Awaits Your Peace, and Presence adoringly
Beyond the veil of suffering and pain
Ia the healing and comfort You give to me
Beyond the veil of hatred and strife
Is Your Love and Deliverance, now i'm free
You set me free, Yeshua, Beyond the veil (4x's, 2x's)
(End with...Beyond the veil, Yeshua (2x's)Beyond the veil (2x's)
Surrounded by the clouds of darkness, i will praise Yah's Holy
When at my worst, filled with despair, i will praise Your
Holy Name
When love grows cold, and we're hated because of You, i will praise Yah's Holy Name
Abounding evil and deception, i will praise Your Holy Name
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Monday, January 7, 2013
The Hebrew Language is The DNA of Creation
Hebrew Language
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