
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Stand Fast/Firm (Part 2)

This is part 2 of my study of Standing Fast/Firm. 

Psalm 89:28
I (Yahweh) (guard/shamar) keep charge, watch, protect and preserve my (kindness/chesed) mercy, goodness and faithfulness to him (David and his house) (forevermore/olam) perpetually everlasting, always, indefinitely, unending and for eternity, and my (Covenant/beriyth) pledge, treaty, binding contract and agreement and is (steadfast/chazag) strong, firm, constant and established with him (David and his house)

Ps 11:part of 7 and 8
All Yahweh's (Orders/piqqud) commandments, precepts, mandates, statutes and law/Torah - instructions in righteousness are (sure/aman) to be supported, upheld, confirmed, nourished and established. They are (steadfast/samak) strong, constant, firm, and sustained (forever/ad) continually , eternally, lasting and without end. And they are (upheld/asah) performed, accomplished, done, attended to, observed, kept and committed to (truth/emeth) sureness, reliability, Divine instruction, stability, faithfulness, being sure and right and (uprightness/yashar) correct, straightforward, well pleasing and righteous

I find it rather interesting  that Yahweh's Commandments and Torah are to be kept continually, eternally and without end. How can that be if Christianity as a whole believes the Yeshua Jesus came to fulfill and do away with the Commands and Torah. Yeshua is the Living Word. He is the Torah/ instructions in righteousness incarnate. He came so that His Commands and instructions in righteousness can go from the outward (written on stone tablets) to the inward  (written on our hearts) 
Yeshua said, if you love me, you will KEEP/DO my Commandments. The Torah in all that implies to us today are the details of how we KEEP Yahweh's Commandments. The Covenantal marriage constract He has with ALL who believe on Yehovah through His Son Yeshua. Guarding, keeping and doing Yahweh's Commands and Torah are by no the means the Way of salvation which comes through Yeshua Messiah alone. They are the very fruit of how we live are lives by the Holy Spirit to love Yahweh in Yeshua with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. All of the Commandments and Torah are fulfilled by the these two GREATEST Commandments. If you truly Love Yah and your neighbor than you will  obey Yah's Commands and Torah/instrustions in righteousness.

Jeremiah 46:14
(Declare/nagad) Make known, announce and proclaim in Egypt and let it be (heard/shama) summoned and sound aloud in (Migdol) the watch tower. Let it be (heard/shama) obeyed, give heed to in (Memphis/Noph) the capital city of Egypt and the city of taphahnes. (Say/amar) Utter, speak, command and charge, (Stand fast/ yatsab) station yourself, and remain. Be (prepared/kun) established, stable, determined and ready. For a sword shall (devour/akal) be destroyed and consumed all around you

Psalms 91:5-8 also fits in well with Jeremiah 46:14. The Way in which Yahweh Yeshua will protect and defeat our present day enemies when we daily draw near and close to Him, put our trust in Him and not in the arm of the flesh, stay the course and persevere in Yahweh Elohim

Ps 91:5-8
You are not to be (afraid/yare) frightened or terrified of the (terror/pachad) sudden alarm, great trembling and apprehending what is to come in the future that brings dread and a cause to be frightened by (night/lahyil) the twisting of darkness and evil, all that apposes and works against you and the gloom hovering in the shadows..nor the (arrow/chets) piercer, weapons and wounder that (flies/uph) hovers and covers like swooning darkness by day nor the (pestilence/deber)plagues, diseases and destruction that (walks/halak) moves, travels and traverses at (noonday/tsohar) the brightest part of the day. A (thousand/eleph) many troops and company of men under one leader shall (fall/naphal) fail, waste away, drop and be overthrown at our side and (ten thousand/rebabah) a multitude, and myriads at our right hand. It shall NOT come (near/nagash) approach, attack or overtake you.

1 Cor 7:37
He who (stands/hislemi) is firm, fixed and established (steadfast/hedraios) settled and immovable in his (heart/kardia) center and seat of your spiritual life, soul/mind - which is the fountain seat of your thoughts, desires, passions, affections and actions. Having no (necessity/anagke) advantage, calamity, distress or constraint...and has (authority/exousia) power, strength, influence, command and rule over his own (desire/thelema) will, choice, inclination, and pleasure..and has so (decided/krino) resolved, put asunder, approved, determined and judged/summoned to trial and examined his (heart/kardia) center and seat of spiritual life, soul/mind - the fountain seat of your thoughts, desires passions, actions and purpose..To (guard/tereo) attend to carefully, take care of, watch, keep ones eye on, maintain and protect his own (virgin/parthenos) 
* Even though this scripture may be referring to the daughter virgin of her father, the word virgin can also apply to the deeper meaning of what this word virgin means in this greek abstain from all uncleaness, whoredom and idolatry...* 
does (well/kalos) what is honorable, excellent, right, well spoken of and morally good

1 Cor 16:13
(Watch/gregoreuo) be cautious, take action, keep awake, vigilant/alert, aware and careful..(Stand- fast/steko)  be stationary, persist, stand your ground, don't retreat or flee from the (faith/pistis) conviction and trust in the Truth in Yeshua and our relationship with Yahweh, the conviction of Yah's existence and ruler of all things, the provider who gives eternal deliverance from sin and our adversary through Yeshua Messiah..Be (men/andrizomai) brave and courageous. Be (strong/katraioo)
increased in strength, empowered, increase in vigor/energy,activity and the power of  the Holy Spirit

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