
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Stand Fast/Firm (Part 1)

I am presently doing a study on standing fast and firm. I will write and post the first part of this study here on my blogger page. 

Philippians 1:27 and 4:1

Phil 1:27 
Only *behave yourselves worthily- of the *Good News (Kingdom)- of Messiah Yeshua...that you *STAND FAST/FIRM - in *one spirit, with *one being, *striving TOGETHER - for the *faith (belief) of the *Good News (Kingdom)

Phil 4:1
So then my brethren (brothers and sisters in Yeshua) beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, *STAND FAST/FIRM in the Master Yeshua, beloved.

*Behave worthily/politeuomai - that your conduct, speech, and actions be in a righteous manner of living according to the moral laws laid out in the Covenant/ 10 Commandments and Torah.

*Good News/euaggelion - Good Message of the Kingdom of Yahweh in Yeshua

*Stand fast/steko -to be firm, fixed, unchanging, immovable, to stay the course, and presevere

*One/mia - singleness, undivided, not being scattered or fragmented

*Striving together/sunathleo - wrestling and laboring together as Yah's remnant of Israel's corperate body in Yeshua
*Faith/pistis - reliance, constancy, belief and putting your trust in 

I will now write the two scriptures I studied out to give a fuller picture, fuller and deeper meaning of what is being said

Phil 1:27 (Expanded study added)
Conduct, speak and act in a righteous manner living according to the moral laws laid out in the Covenant of the Ten Commandments and Torah of the Kingdom of Yahweh in Yeshua...that you stay the course, stay fixed, unchanging, and persevere in singleness, being undivided in spirit. Being undivided, and unscattered in your being (mind and heart.) Wrestling and laboring together as Yah's remnant corperate body in Yeshua, for the reliance, constancy, belief and trust in the Good Message of the Kingdom of Yahweh in Yeshua

Phil 4:1 (Expanded study added)
So then my brothers and sisters in Yeshua, deeply loved and longed for, my joy and crown. Stay fixed, stay the course, remain unchanging, immovable and persevere in the Master Yeshua, for you are deeply loved.

As I was studying out these two scripture verses in Philippians, I immediately thought of Phil 4:8, which gives us the Way we are to keep our minds, hearts and actions fixed firmly on, as well as maintaining and conducting ourselves in a manner that is holy (kadosh) pleasing, and acceptable to our Yah. This will also bless and benefit all those around us, and to all of Yah's Remnant people. It's called, KINGDOM LIVING

I will write out the study of the key words in this scripture and post the full deeper meaning of this scripture as well

Phil 4:8
Whatever is *TRUE, whater is *NOBLE, whatever is *RIGHTEOUS, whater is *CLEAN, whatever is *LOVELY, whatever is of *GOOD REPORT, if there be any *VIRTUE/UPRIGHTNESS, and if there be any *PRAISE, *THINK on these things

*True/alethes - Not concealed, covered up, or hidden, sure, reliable, stable and certain

*Noble/semnos - Honest, having no guile or deceit, truthful, sincere, having high moral standards and principles

*Righteous/dikaios - Equitable, fair, impartial, balanced, just in actions and character, set apart

*Clean/hagnos - Pure, spotless, chaste, showing moral self control and restraint, modest and perfect

*Lovely/prophiles - Pleasing, acceptable, exquisitely beautiful, regarding and being in accord with the beauty of Yah's creation

*Good report/euphemos - Well spoken of, reputable, having a good, balanced and moral reputation, respected, reliable, dependable, being trustworthy/deserving of trust

*Virtue (uprightness)/arete - Excellence, praise, valor, brave, strong and courageous in battle, high moral standards and character
*Praise/epainos - Commendable, deserving of the highest praise (worship,) an admirable manner

*Think/logizamai - Meditate on, ponder deeply, keep your continual and constant focus on

Phil 4:8 (Expanded study added)
Whatever is * not concealed, covered up, hidden, sure, reliable, stable and certain
Whatever is * honest, having no guile or deceit, truthful, sincere and having high moral standards
Whatever is * equitable, fair, impartial, balanced, set apart and just in actions and character
Whatever is * pure, spotless, chaste, ie..showing moral self control and restraint
Whatever is * acceptable, exquisitely beautiful, regarding and being in accord with the beauty of Yah's creation
Whatever is * well spoken of, reputable, a good, balanced and moral reputation, respected, reliable, dependable and deserving of trust
Whatever is * excellent, exhibiting valor, bravery, strength, and courageous in battle
Whatever is * commendable, deserving of the highest praise (worship,) and an admirable behavior
Meditate, deeply, ponder and keep your continual and constant focus on all these things 

YESHUA IS ALL THESE THINGS! And He is living by His Spirit in us. Meschiach in you, the hope of glory!
As He is, so are we to become like Him in this fallen world. Imitators of Elohim and a partaker of His Divine Nature.
Whatever we keep our continuous and constant focus on, that will reflect and become our living experience, actions and conduct by which we can stand fast, be afixed to, stay the course, be immovable and persevere in with each new day and breath of life our Av Yahweh gives us.

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