
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Yahweh is my Strength in weakness, my Deliverer and Salvation

Ps 145:14-16

Yahovah is supporting (samak ~bearing up, sustaining, strengthening and providing rest) to all who are falling (naphal ~ cast down,(feel) inferior, lost, and overwhelmed) And raising up (zaqaph ~ comforting and lifting up, ie exalting) all who are bowed down (Humble / anav ~ gentle, lowly, meek, teachable, and patient) The eyes (ayin ~ fountain, (the source and origin springing up from your being) countenance (appearance and expression) thoughts) of all who look (wait / shabar ~ to scrutinize (to examine carefully) by implication of watching, to expect with hope and patience) to You (Yahweh Yahovah Elohim Adonai) expectantly (with an excited feeling of joy that something is going to happen,) and You (Av Yahweh) are giving (nathan ~ appointing, granting, performing, delivering and distributing) them their food /meat (okel ~ prey, mealtime (what you need to eat to stay alive) in due (right, fitting and proper) season (eth ~ time) You (Yahweh) open (pathach ~ loosen, carve, engrave, plough, draw out and unstop) Your Hand  (yad ~ strength, labor, order, service and bounty) and satisfying (sawbah ~ giving more than enough, fill to overflowing, be full, have plenty) the desire (ratson ~ delight, favor, acceptance, and good pleasure) of all that live. (Elohim is the Yahovah over the living and not the dead ~ Those who are alive in the Ruach through salvation and regeneration in Yahushua Messiah)

James 4:10

Humble yourselves (tapeinoo ~ to be brought low (have reverence and be in awe)  in your heart ,  meek and teachable) in the sight (enopion ~ presence, face to face) of Yahovah, and He will lift (hupsoo ~exalt and raise) you up 

Ps 37:17,19

For the arms (zeroa ~ strength and power) of the wrongdoers/wicked ~ guilty, immoral, condemned, and actively bad (evilcharacter; morally reprehensible) person) are broken (shabar ~ crushed, torn down, destroyed and broken in pieces,) but Yahweh sustains /upholds (samak ~ to be leaned upon, to bear up, provide rest, support and establish) the righteous (Tsadeek ~ just, lawful ie those who guard and keep (do) Yah's Commands and Torah)

They are not ashamed (bush /boosh ~ disappointed, delayed, confounded or confused) in a time of evil, ra'ah ~ everything around you is morally bad, wretched (contemptable and worthless,) grievious, misreable, troubled, to cause ill, affliction and harm to others) and in the days of scarcity (re'abon ~ famine (extreme hunger and starvation) of food they are satisfied (sawbah ~ filled to satisfaction, made full, to have plenty, to have enough)

Nahum 1:7

Yah is good, (tov ~ bountiful, cheerful, gracious, kindly and loving) as a stronghold (ma'oz ~ defense, fort, rock, strength, and fortified place) in the day of distress/trouble (tsarah ~ anguish, affliction, tribulation, adversity, and anguish) And He knows (yada ~ senses, observes, recognizes, understands, discerns, and is familiar with) those who take refuge /trust (chasah ~ flee for confide in, put their total trust and hope) in Him.

Nahum 1:12-13

Thus says Yahovah, "Though they are strong (gibbor ~ very powerful, tyranical and mighty) and many, (rav ~ greatly abound in number, , exceedingly great and plentious) yet they shall be cut off. (gazaz ~ cut down and destroyed) Though I have afflicted (anah ~ chastened, dealt harshly with, troubled and weakened) you, I afflict (anah ~ trouble, chasten and deal harshly with) you no more. So now I will break (shabar ~ quench, destroy and crush in pieces) his yoke (mot ~ wavering, shaking and staff as in having authority and control) from you and tear off (nathaq ~ pluck away, root out, burst and break in sunder (separate and sever) your shackles (moserah ~ bonds, chains, halter and restraints)

Isaiah 61:1

The Spirit (Ruach) of Yahweh is upon Me (Yahushua) to bind up (chabash ~ to rule, govern, heal, wrap firmly) the broken hearted (shabar leb(v) ~ The very center and core of your heart being discouraged, and and broken in pieces.) To proclaim (qara ~ properly address, pronounce, call out and invite) liberty (deror ~ freedom, to move rapidly, spontaneity of outflow, to make clear and pure) the captives (shabah ~ those driven away and led away into bondage and confinement / His scattered remnant,) and the opening of the prison ( pechach-qoach ~ breaking forth into deliverance and salvation from sin) to them that are bound (asar ~ yoked, hitched, harnessed and in bonds (chains/ enslaved to sin)

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