
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Tsiyon (New Song)

It's been close to two years since I got a new song. Well not completely a new song. I printed out several Spiritsongs I haven't done in a while to work on and one of those songs Yahweh told me to add and rearrange the words to a new song and to title it Tsiyon.  Last Saturday was the day the Ruach started giving me the changes to the song and a new melody to fit those changes. I was pretty excited with how it all flowed and came together rather quickly, especially the recording of the song. Yahweh miraculously worked all that out in a spontaneous way I would not have expected. I experienced a few minor interruptions, but I was able to complete the recording in less than 3 hours. I finished the song 30 minutes before my daughter came home from an unexpected trip that allowed me the time I needed to record the song. With the minimal recording resources available, and a computer that is barely holding up for me to mix and download the song from my digital 8 track player, it all came together as Yah told me it would. I downloaded the song from the computer to my Revernation music web page. I will post the song for you to listen to here on this blog post. Just click on the play arrow button. Thank you and Shalom!     
The words to the song are also posted below..........


I’m calling out my people, in this final hour. 
No it’s not the steeples that counterfeit the sky. 
My glory fills the temple, where you belong in Me
With My eyes you will see, the Truth that sets My 
captives free ~ Sets My captives free
You wander and wonder, as the script unfolds. 
You ponder in your heart all that I have planned. 
Seek Me and you’ll know the mysteries of Life
Yahshua’s Light will guide the Way, humble yourselves and pray ~ Humble yourselves and pray

Come with Me on the road to Tsiyon. My Spirit’s calling you, trust Me, don’t be afraid..Don't be afraid
I’m raising up My people in these last days. 
Come now, obey My will,  and don’t delay...And don't delay 

I’m your shelter from the storm, cold days and nights 
I’ll keep you warm. I am your shade from the sun, 
I’ll protect you from the one who seeks to hurt the apple of My eye. 
Scattered Yisrael I sent My Son for you to die.
In Me your set apart, I will give you a new heart. 
To keep My Torah and commands, precepts and statutes 
on demand. My Countenance in you will Shine. My Will be done, for now is the time

The battle is raging, against His remnant Yisrael. 
Our hope is in Yahweh,Yahweh, Av Adonai. 
He is calling us to Tsiyon, to bring us back into our land
To heal and deliver us where we were scattered by His 
Hand ~ Scattered by His Hand.
 Will you heed the call? Will you go where I go? 
A fuller soap and refiner’s fire, repentance in these last days.Two houses will become as one, His twelve tribes in Yahshua. When we’ve done all to stand, 
together we will stand, together we will stand.


Trust in Me, don't be afraid. Obey My will and don't delay (Repeat)
Come with me on the road to Tsiyon (Repeat)
Tsiyon (4x's)


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