This morning I was led to Ephesians 5. It starts out saying....
"Become, then, imitators of Yahweh Elohim as beloved children" (to
imitate means to follow and do the behavior and actions of)
How are we to imitate our Creator Yahweh Yahshua? The remainder of chapter 5 tells us.
*Walk in Love as Messiah who has and continues to love us
*Put off the misdeeds of the flesh is our sinful nature (uncleanness,
immorality, greed, idolatry (put other loves above your love for Yahweh
God)lfoolish talking, coarse jesting lying, and the unfruitful deeds of
darkness) but rather expose them
*Do not be deceived by empty and meaningless words
*Walk in the Light
*Know and understand what the Will of Yahovah is for you
*Sing and encourage one another with songs of praise
*Give thanks (not for but in whatever circumstance you are in and for every good and perfect gift given to you from above)
*Submit to one another in Love
*Submit to Yahweh Yahshua your husbandman who loved and gave His Life for you
Another scripture of encouragement to meditate on is Psalm 94:18-19
When I said, "My foot has slipped" Your lovingkindness Yahweh God
supported me. When anxiety was great within me, Your comforts delighted
my being.
This morning in my prayer time I just opened my Bible. I didn't search forr anything specific, but I happened to inadvertently open to Isaiah 28. Immediately my eyes went to verse 5. I don't believe in coincidences, but rather divine appointments from the Most High Av(Father) Before I opened up my Bible, the number 528 kept popping into my head. I looked up that number and this is what I found. According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 528 Hertz is a frequency that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” More than any sound previously discovered, the “LOVE frequency” resonates at the heart of everything. It connects your heart, your spiritual essence, to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth. The Love frequency is the “Miracle” note of the original Solfeggio musical scale. Independently confirmed by researchers, these core creative frequencies were used by ancient priests and healers in advanced civilizations to manifest miracles and produce blessings. So Isaiah 28:5 if you unscramble the numbers and put the 5 in front of 28 you get the number 528. I will so add verse 6 as it completes the flow of verse 5. I will also put in parenthesis the Hebrew meaning of specific words to bring the shallow understanding to the depth of what is being said. Isaiah 28:5-6 In "that" day(which prophetically is referring to these last of the last days we are presently in) Yehovah of Hosts(appointed times, battle, service, army's, soldiers) is for a crown of splendor(adornment of great significance, prominence and beauty) and a headdress of comliness (a decorative, attractive covering and appearance of Yahovah's glory - the heavy weight of HIS Presence on our heads. The head being the highest point of Yah's Presence we carry and represent to this dead, ugly, decaying, wicked, perverse, dark and lost world we live in. We bring His miracle (highest spiritual frequency) of the salvation of Yahshua who alone saves!) to the remnant (remaining survivors) of His people, and a spirit of right ruling (judgement - witnessing and pronouncing a sentence against the the wicked and haters of Yahweh and His people) and a strength (defense, rock, and fortified place) to those who turn back the battle (engaging warfare) of the gate (opening, portals) It Want to also add link to a song that came to my mind after reading this amazing Word!