Wednesday, December 21, 2016
NEVER ALLOW US INTO TEMPTATION לא תעל נסיונא by Chaim Bentorah
Matthew 6:13: “And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.”
I recently attended a Catholic mass where towards the end everyone recited the Lord’s prayer and we all said these words, “lead us not into temptation.“ I could not help but think how many others in that congregation wondered the same thing I did. Does God lead us into temptation such that we must pray and ask Him not to? Maybe you are ok with that, but I am definitely not. I mean does not James teach in 1:3, “Let no man say he is tempted of God.” So if God does not tempt us, why in the blazes do millions of people every week pray that God will not lead them into temptation?
Well, one thing about all this is that Yeshua Jesus spoke these words in Aramaic. Perhaps the Aramaic Bible, the Pershitta might help shed some light on this. By the first century the common language of the Jewish people was Aramaic. Greek was the vernacular of the West and the language of commerce for the West. Aramaic was the vernacular of the East and the language of commerce for the East. There were basically three different common dialects of Aramaic in the Middle East. These were the Western dialect (spoken around the old Babylonian area), the Northern Galilean (language that Yeshua Jesus and the disciples spoke) and the Southern dialect (language spoken in Judea and Jerusalem). Classical Hebrew was a dead language by the first century and used only ceremonially and in scholarly writings such as Latin is today. The synagogue readings and recitation of prayers were all in the Classical Hebrew during the 1st Century. Although Yeshua Jesus spoke Aramaic, some scholars argue that many of His teachings were in Hebrew as to retain an esoteric nature in His teachings. This becomes even more important with recent discoveries surfacing from the studies of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
One such very recent discovery from the Psalms Scroll sheds some light on this very troubling passage in the Lord’s Prayer, “Lead us not into temptation.” Why would Yahweh God lead us into temptation? If it was His divine will to lead us into temptation, why would we pray for Him not to lead us into temptation? Was Yeshua actually teaching us to pray and tell Yahweh God to back off? As mentioned earlier, is this in contradiction to the teachings of James in 1:3?
An identical phrase was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls written in Aramaic which matches that of the Aramaic Bible and follows a certain rhythmic pattern. Another thing to keep in mind about this culture is that they had no recording devices and most of what was taught by the rabbis was put to a sort of rhythm, meter or rhyme as a memory device. Although not poetry, it did form a good device to aid in memorization. This would very likely be the case with the Lord’s Prayer as it would be one that Yeshua wanted His disciples to commit to memory. We do the same when teaching children to pray: “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep.” It is easier for a child as well as an adult to memorize something in rhyme. The rhythm and rhyme of the Lord ’s Prayer in Aramaic would be lost when it was translated into the Greek. However, when transposed into Aramaic and even Hebrew you recapture much of the meter. This is why you will find so many idiomatic expressions in New Testament. It can be difficult at times to express your thoughts in a rhyme and sometimes the only way to make a thought rhyme is to create an idiomatic expression.
This passage, “Lead us not into temptation” that has been found in the Dead Sea Scrolls which was written in Aramaic carries such a rhythm. When you transpose the phrase in the
Lord ’s Prayer and the passage in James to the Hebrew or Aramaic you get the same meter or rhyme as found with the identical phrase in the Dead Sea Scrolls. This helps to establish this phrase, Lead us not into temptation as an idiomatic expression.
The difficulty now lies in translation of the Aramaic word for temptation nesiona to the Greek word peirasmon. Nesiona in the Dead Sea Scrolls is found in the Hiphal form signifying a causative sense. Hence if we use the Dead Sea Scrolls as a guide we would find a more proper rendering of this phrase: Lead us not into temptation to be more like: Do not allow us to enter wrongful thinking or testing or even more accurately, keep us from being led into wrongful thinking or testing.
As the Lord’s Prayer is given by Yeshua Jesus we can assume it is an expression of Yahweh’s heart. Yahweh God wants us to pray that we do not enter into wrong thinking or wrong testing. I just wonder how many of my testing were brought on by myself or by my own lack of submission to God’s will or my own wrong thinking? Or how often do I allow the enemy to bamboozle me into wrong thinking or testing?
In my disability bus I recently drove an elderly lady to a Catholic mass. Due to a recent stroke she was very unsteady as she walked and I had to assist her to an usher who then assisted her to her seat. As I passed her off to the usher she momentarily lost her balance and accidently knocked over the holy water. She was absolutely horrified and the first words out of her mouth were, “Oh no, I’m going to hell.” We all, including a priest, tried to reassure her that knocking over the holy water would not send her to hell but she was not to be comforted. I knew later in the service she would recite the Lord’s Prayer where she would pray: “Lead me not into temptation or do not allow me to enter wrongful thinking.” The enemy can make us believe many lies, some not as ridiculous as going to hell for knocking over holy water. Some wrongful thinking can be more subtle like, “If only my church would play the old hymns and not this loud modern music, I could worship God better.” Worship comes from the heart, not your background music. We know that but we allow wrongful thinking to make an excuse for our lack of taste in music.
But wrongful thinking is even less obvious. How many of us live in wrongful thinking, thinking God is going to get even with us for the errors of our ways, thinking Yahweh is going to punish us if we do not come up to some standard, fearing we are not good enough to go to heaven when we die when the Bible clearly says that our salvation is not of works but simply the grace of God, Ephesians 2:8-9.
I know many of us recite the Lord’s Prayer on a daily basis. I do. If you find the rendering, “Lead us not into temptation.” a bit troubling, you might want to take advantage of the discoveries found in the Dead Sea Scrolls and offer an alternative rendering of “Don’t allow me to enter into wrong thinking or testing’s.” The fact is, God does no lead us into wrong thinking or testing, we do that ourselves or we allow the enemy to do it to us. In a very poetic way Yeshua taught us to pray using a Semitic idiom that is saying, “Protect us from ourselves and the enemy who will lead us into wrong thinking or wrong testing.”
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Sing, Praise and Dance
I just got a new song recently recorded and downloaded on to my Reverbnation called, "Sing, Dance and Praise." I pray it brings encouragement and a blessing to all who take the time to listen to it.
New Song,
Praise and Dance,
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Friday, October 14, 2016
INCLINE YOUR EAR – הטו את אזנמ by Chaim
Jeremiah 7:24: “But they harkened not nor inclined their ear.”
I get the part of not harkening unto the Word of Yahweh which is the context here. I mean Yahweh God spells out in his Word what we are to do and not to do. The Bible tells us not to steal, so if I steal I am not harkening unto the Word of Yahweh.
But this matter of not inclining one’s ear has me a bit baffled. This is to suggest that Yahweh is speaking to us and we are not inclining our ear to hear him. Hey, let me tell you, if Yahweh is speaking to me, I am inclining my ears to hear Him. My problem is how in the blazes does he speak to us. Does he speak audibly? There may be an occasion, but it is not his standard way of speaking. Does Yahweh God use events? A couple weeks ago I felt a prompting to pray for Haiti and Florida. If you are following the news you heard about the Category 4 Hurricane that is now striking Florida after wrecking devastation on Haiti. Was that the voice of Yahweh? I did not hear anything audible, I just felt something. Coincidence maybe?
I recall reading about an experience David Wilkerson and his church had before 9-11. A couple months before 9-11 David Wilkerson and his church felt a strong leading in their spirits to set aside a special time of prayer. This prayer grew into a deep sense of desperation. On 9-10 David Wilkerson called everyone together to prepare sandwiches and the church went to work preparing hundreds of sandwiches for an event they knew nothing about until the next day, on 9-11. This was surely a church which had inclined their ear to Yahweh God.
Taking a look at this expression in the Hebrew I find the word incline to be natah. The word really has the idea of stretching out, it is used for the tightening of the bow strings on a bow to shoot an arrow or the tightening of the strings on a musical instrument. We call this tuning an instrument. This involves tightening the strings of an instrument to get just the right tension so when the strings are struck they will be in tune or in harmony with all the other instruments. The word ear is ’azan which means ear, but it is also a word that is sometimes used for a musical instrument.
I believe this is more than just paying attention to hear the voice of Yahweh God, but it is also a picture of tuning a musical instrument. The writer is illustrating the idea of hearing the voice of Yahweh with that of tuning of instruments, or even the playing of musical instruments so that it is in harmony with all others. I recall going to a Farmer’s Market. Off in one area were a group of musicians playing various musical instruments. They appeared to be just jamming, playing various musical riffs. There were guitars, banjos, an accordion, some sort of drum etc. Yet they were all in harmony, all playing the same chords with the same rhythm. When they came to a stopping point one of the members mentioned a favorite song, “In the Sweet Bye and Bye” The person suggesting the song began to play on her guitar and suddenly all the other musicians with their various instruments joined in. I was glad I was wearing sunglasses as it could not help but tear up as I heard this precious old song being played by some many different instruments, yet all were perfectly in tune with each other. That is what it means to incline your ear to Yahweh. I watch the various musicians who were focused on their instruments. Some were quietly picking away at their instrument, some strumming a few chords, and after about a minute or two all were playing the melody as if they had rehearsed it for days. As they got into it many were adding creative little runs or riffs, their own little style, yet they still remained in tune with each other. In a way all were doing their own thing, but all the time were keeping in tune and in time with each other. It was almost as if each could go solo and play their own version of the melody while the others played softly in the background as a backup. They all were as one yet each with their own creative identity. It was as if they could anticipate each other’s moves and sounds. Yet, they all just sat back and played as if they were playing from some gut feeling.
I really believe this is what Jeremiah meant when he said hitu eth ’azenam incline your ear. Having gone through a dark period recently I am making a special effort to be in tune with Yahweh. Perhaps that is why I began praying for Haiti and Florida long before the storm developed. If we stay in tune with Yahweh God and follow His rhythm then whatever we do we do in accordance to that tune and rhythm, we can even create our own version of the tune so long as it stays in tune with Yahweh God. Hearing and following Yah’s voice should be as free and flowing as following another musical instrument. I don’t know about you but staying in tune with Yahweh takes a lot of work and discipline but it is so worth it.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
ONE LOT FOR THE LORD – גורל אחד ליהוה by Chaim
Leviticus 16:8: “And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lot for the LORD, and the other lot for the scapegoat.”
“We were made to suffer, it’s our lot in life.” 3CPO Star Wars
In less than ten days the Jewish people, (Messianic believers and Yahweh's Remnant people belonging to Yahshua,) will be celebrating Yom Kippur. This is the Day of Atonement. One ritual that was performed among the ancient Hebrews is described in Leviticus 16 where two goats were taken before the High Priest, both had to be identical. Many assume the High Priest chose one goat to sacrifice and the other to let go and flee away. One would live and one would die.
Actually we learn in Leviticus 16:8 that the High Priest, in this case Aaron, cast lots to determine which would live and which would die. I like the way the Scripture phrases this, gurl echod laYHWH or one lot was for the Lord. The other lot was for the scapegoat. This word for lot is gurl which means to apportion or allocate.
During the settlement of Israel in the Promised Land, land was apportioned to eleven tribes. The tribe owned the land not the individuals. Every family had their own portion of land to farm, but they did not personally own that land. Some land was good land with good soil. Some land was rocky land or difficult land to cultivate and irrigate. To determine who got the good land and who got the lousy land they drew gurls or lots. Once a year just before the time when the land had to be prepared for planting all the family heads gathered together and the patriarch of the family or tribe would put the names of each family on a stone and place it in a basket. Then they would blind fold a child under twelve years of age to draw out each stone. Before each stone was drawn the division of land that was to be apportioned was announced. When the stone was drawn the family whose name on that stone would receive that portion of land to be cultivated for that year. That was their lot for the year or their lot in life. This lottery was held every year so that some years some would get a good portion of land and some years they would receive a bad portion of land.
I read something very interesting this evening in the Talmud Yoma 62b. A lot was used when one had passed beyond the realm of motive and reason. Lots were cast when there was no reason or impetus to choose one option over the other, so that the matter must be left to forces that are beyond ones control and comprehension. This is the reason the lots were used on Yom Kippur. After all is said and done, no man is worthy in the eyes of God. We all stand before Him without faults and iniquities and by all rational criteria, we should be found lacking in His judgement. So the Talmud teaches that we should throw our lot to God.
I find it very interesting that one lot was cast LaYHWH for the Lord. One was cast for the goat. Both lots were not cast for the goats only one. The Talmud goes on to explain that we should cast our lots for the Lord. But somehow that just does not fit because the goat that got the lot was able to escape. To me, however, it is clear that Yahshua is the one who received the lot to die and the scapegoat represents us who are made just as pure as Yahshua through his death and resurrection and thus by the death of Yahshua we are allowed to escape the punishment. But then again, maybe the way the sages looked at this lot for the Yahweh is also correct.
The other day I was recovering from pneumonia. I earlier went to work too soon and relapsed so I prayed for some confirmation that I was not repeating a mistake in going back to work on this day. This particular day on my disability bus I had to take a 62 year old man to the hospital. He has a very bad heart. He has had a number of heart attacks, wears a pacemaker and is on all the medication that is available. The doctors told him there was nothing more they could do. He had only two months to live. I had to help him out of his house into the bus with his walker. He could only take a couple steps before he had to stop and catch his breath. On the bus to the hospital he told his life’s story. He ran with the street gangs as a teenager. He learned the martial arts and was a champion body builder. He fell in with the mob and was a body guard for some of the biggest names in the “business.” He was noted for being able to knock out a man with one punch. When not working as a body guard for the mob he would work as a bouncer in saloons. He said the police knew who he was and usually turned a blind eye when he had to work over some scumbag.
He told me: “The things I did were terrible, horrible things. I am getting what I deserve and when I die I will get what I deserve.” I turned to him and told him a story about a man who lived 2,000 years ago who also did terrible things. In fact the Romans hung him on a cross next to another man who never did anything wrong. There was a third man who also did many bad things in his life who was hung on a cross next to this good man. The third man cursed this good Man but the first man, the thief, the man who spent his life doing bad things told the third man to keep his peace that this Man in the middle did not deserve to die, He was a righteous Man, in fact He was indeed the Son of Yahweh God. Then he turned to this good Man, this Son of Yahweh Elohim and with a heart filled with grief over the bad things he did in life he simply asked Him if He would remember him when He entered Paradise. This good Man, the Son of Yahweh God, Yahshua said, “This day you will be in Paradise.” I told this dying man on my bus: “That thief had to do nothing but ask, be sorry and sad about his sins just as you are. All he did was ask and Yahweh to forgave him of every sin. This thief had no chance to do good deeds or live a better life. He did not even have a chance to be baptized, but he is in Paradise right now, just as you can be. You are already sorry for all the bad things you did, why not tell Him, ask Him to forgive you and take you to Paradise?” He said he would and he did.
There is an old song we used to sing when I was a child:
I believe in miracles,
I’ve seen the soul set free
Miraculous the change in one
Redeemed at Calvary.
I saw a soul set free that day, I saw a dying man smile and rejoice. I saw a man who threw his lot his gurl to Jesus. I may not see this man again, but you know what, I will see him, one day I will see him again.
Oh and I did not have a relapse of my pneumonia, I had my confirmation.
Linda Rose ~ Spiritsong,
Yom Kippur
Sunday, October 2, 2016
YOM TERUAH (Blow the Shofar!) FEAST of TRUMPETS SONG by miYah
How I long for the day of the llast trump when the dead in Yahshua Jesus shall rise and those that remain will together be with our master Yahshua in the air! I wait eagerly for the resurrection of the dead and for death to be swllowed up in victory! For our glorified bodies of mortality taking on immortality and us finite beings in Yahshua taking on the infinite where we will reign and live with our Messiah Yahshua for eternity! HalleuYAH! \0/\0/\0/
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Comfort Zone
This is a confirming Word for Yah's people to BREAK OUT of their comfort zones (It is long, but we'll worth the read)
WORD STUDY – A NEW KING – מלק חדשׁ by Chaim Bentorah
Exodus 1:8: “Now there arose a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.”
There is something very curious here. In this verse the writer refers to the Pharaoh as a king. From here on he is referred to as Pharaoh. One reason could be historical. Do you ever wonder why the Egyptian Pharaoh would so easily make a foreigner a prime minister, second in command? Why this new Pharaoh would so turn against the Hebrews fearing they would become so powerful that they would overthrow the empire? Modern Archaeology has proven that during the time of Joseph or the time of the great famine a large group of foreigners called the sea people or the Hyksos had actually seized the advantage of a nation caught up in famine which weakened the rule of the Pharaoh and they over threw that empire and set up one of their own, modeled after Egypt, of course. Egypt was no longer ruled by Egyptians when Joseph arrived. It was ruled more by warriors than skilled politicians. These Hyksos really had no clue how to run a government other than do it like the Egyptians did when along comes a foreigner, not an Egyptian who showed some real skills. This Hyksos Pharaoh must had seen Joseph as a real God send (pun intended).
About the time of the Exodus the Egyptians managed to overthrow the Hyksos and return the empire back to the Egyptians. You can bet this new Egyptian Pharaoh did not want anything to do with foreigners and he had to be quite paranoid over these other foreigners called Hebrews who helped set up the government. He faced the same problem Trump faces with the illegal immigrants. There were just too many to deport. However, the new Pharaoh could turn these illegals into slaves. If Trump were President and tried to turn the illegals into slaves to build his towers he be out on his ear, impeached within a week. Trump did not have that option that this new Pharaoh had, slavery.
All Exodus 1:8 is saying is that a new King or a Melek Kadash arose. The word kadash means new in the sense of new ideas, plans, you know like out with the old in with the new. Oddly this word kadash new is also used to express the idea of destructiveness (of the old) false humility and jealousy. We know this Pharaoh was destructive to the Hebrews and jealous of them but the false humility shows how he turned the Egyptian people against them. I mean after all for years these people lived together in peace, just as the Jews did with the gentile Germans in the early part of the century. Along comes one man, Hitler, who turned the people against the Jews.
How did the Pharaoh do this? With false humility he presented himself as a Pharaoh. The word for Pharaoh is Pei, Resh Ayin and Hei. The Resh and Ayin ra appeared to be good, but evil was hidden between his words. Just as Hitler was the personification of evil, people readily followed him because of his eloquence and his genius at propaganda. The evil doer becomes truly dangerous when his lips served the interests of his evil intent.
He knew not Joseph. Come on, Joseph was a legend and probably greatly honored in Egypt, but this new Pharaoh did not know him? He knew him alright but he did not yara’ (know) him. The word to know that is used here yara’ is an intimate knowing, a knowing with one’s heart. He could honor Joseph with his mouth, but in his heart he despised him, he did not yara’ him.
The rabbis give another reason the writer chose to refer to this Pharaoh as a Melek Kadash. The numerical value of Melek Kadash is 402. The numerical value of winepress is 402. The Talmud teaches that this new pharaoh was God’s instrument to press the Hebrews so that they would move out of Egypt and into the land that Yahweh promised them. Under Joseph and the favor the Hebrews experienced with the Hyksos, they lived a good life. They had all they could eat, enjoy, and the protection of the most powerful nation in the world. Why would they want to leave all that for the uncertainty of a distant land without the protection of Egypt? But you see they grew too comfortable in Egypt, they had no reason to seek Yahweh's perfect will, so God had to send a Melek Kadash, a winepress, to motivate them to do His perfect will.
As I have said many times, these devotionals are not teachings, it is simply my journal describing my journey to the heart of God. I don’t know about you, but in my present state, I am quite comfortable, I am employed, bills are paid, why would I want to change any of that? Yet, I have a deep sense that I am not in Yah's perfect will for my life, I am depending on Egypt rather than Yahweh for my protection and daily bread. I wonder if God is going to send a Melek Kadash to get me moving?
So how about you, are you comfortable living in Egypt? Do you have a witness in your spirit that you are not really in Yahweh's perfect will? But it is comfortable, affluent and you are reluctant to leave Egypt because it is providing your well being and protection? Maybe there will arise a Melek Kadash in your life?
When I read this Word this morning it was a confirming Word that Janet bat David shared at the Tsiyon Tabernacle that I read just before I read the Word study from Chaim Bentorah. I was praying after I read what Janet had shared this morning and asked Yahweh to speak a Word to my heart to meditate and ponder on today, and I was led directly to the study. The Word He was speaking to me as I pray others will ponder and hear is the word "Comfortable." Yahweh does NOT want His people to be too comfortable in this world, but to prepare our hearts and be ready to do and go where He is leading His Remnant people in these last days.
I will share what Janet wrote that confirms this Word I am led to share with those having ears to HEAR what the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) is saying.
Janet bat David posted an update 1 day, 1 hour ago
Sabbath message of August 1st
5 points of “How we know it is the last days” ……… great explanation for us to use when talking to others who think they have plenty of time to “live the dream.”
Matthew 24:36 “But concerning that day and the hour no one knows, not even the messengers of the heavens, but My Father only.”
People use this verse to argue with anyone who brings up the “last days” mistakenly wrapping themselves in a religious cloak when, in reality, ignoring the rest of the chapter to understand what Y’SHUA was teaching them AND US.
Are we not like the Jewish people in Babylon? When the YHWH time came to leave there and return home, the majority were COMFORTABLE and stayed in Babylon because they had already assimilated so only the remnant returned.
Are we not like the Jewish people in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s?
One Shoah survivor told me the following:
“we (the Jews) were so comfortable …living the life (in Europe) socializing and prospering among the peoples and so when the trouble began, we poo-pooed the rumors and warnings of seers . ….because, after all, we were ingrained in each local city or village. We were butchers, tailors, bakers, bankers, teachers, grocers, musicians, philosophers professors, etc….we were COMFORTABLE. In fact, we were so comfortable that many of the Jews were not even religious anymore and assimilated into society. Some converted to christianity and others were baptized even though they didn’t convert so as to “fit in” and so those who assimilated “thought” they would be safe living as the nations. After all, we thought, we aren’t like those “religious” among us…..standing out as different, keeping the Sabbath, dressing differently, not doing christmas or easter……. and so, in the end, it didn’t matter. We were among them, thinking we had settled into a COMFORTABLE life but NO! They never saw us as any different than our religious brethren. They never saw us as peers. We were always different in their eyes and when the time came, they turned on us…even our own people sold one another for the safety of themselves and their families but it did not save them either.”
And so it will be with us…..IF WE CHOOSE the ourselves and other AND NOT HIM. Those close people and family are going to harm us – some unintentionally and some intentionally. We may be COMFORTABLE among society, thinking we are LUUVVED – “I mean, don’t I have 243 “friends” on Facebook?” SURE.
A wise man once told a group of us……IF YOU CHOOSE YOUR CHILDREN OR FAMILY OVER YHWH RATHER THAN FOLLOW YHWH’S DIRECTION – you WILL perish……THEY WILL SURVIVE BUT you WILL perish. ISN’T that a lesson of the 40 years in the desert?
And so the 5 points proving the last days MUST bring to mind the people in our lives as well as the 2 statements near the end of the Sabbath teaching..#2 – that FAITH IS NOT ABOUT PEOPLE …. #1 – we are in YHWH TIMING and FAITH IS NOT ABOUT US.
We must prepare now….not tuning out the cries of the TRUE watchMAN nor trusting in people or the government or the past so much that we ALLOW them to weaken, twist or ruin our FAITH….. we must NOT walk by SIGHT but rather the “INVISIBLE REALM WE CALL THE SPIRIT” "
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Tsiyon (New Song)
It's been close to
two years since I got a new song. Well not completely a new song. I printed out
several Spiritsongs I haven't done in a while to work on and one of those songs
Yahweh told me to add and rearrange the words to a new song and to title it
Tsiyon. Last Saturday was the day the Ruach started giving me the changes
to the song and a new melody to fit those changes.
I was pretty excited with how it all flowed and came together rather
quickly, especially the recording of the song. Yahweh miraculously worked all
that out in a spontaneous way I would not have expected. I experienced a few minor interruptions, but I was able to complete the recording in less than 3 hours.
I finished the song 30 minutes before my daughter came home from an unexpected trip that allowed me the time I needed to record the song. With the minimal recording resources available, and a computer that is barely holding up for me to mix and download the song
from my digital 8 track player, it all came together as Yah told me it would. I downloaded
the song from the computer to my Revernation music web page. I will post the song
for you to listen to here on this blog post. Just click on the play arrow button. Thank you and Shalom!
The words to the song are also posted below..........
The words to the song are also posted below..........
I’m calling out my people, in this final hour.
No it’s not the steeples that counterfeit the sky.
My glory fills the temple, where you belong in Me
No it’s not the steeples that counterfeit the sky.
My glory fills the temple, where you belong in Me
With My eyes you will see, the Truth that sets My
captives free ~ Sets My captives free
captives free ~ Sets My captives free
You wander and wonder, as the script unfolds.
You ponder in your heart all that I have planned.
Seek Me and you’ll know the mysteries of Life
You ponder in your heart all that I have planned.
Seek Me and you’ll know the mysteries of Life
Yahshua’s Light will guide the Way, humble yourselves and pray ~ Humble yourselves and pray
Come with Me on the road to Tsiyon. My Spirit’s calling you, trust Me, don’t be afraid..Don't be afraid
I’m raising up My people in these last days.
Come now, obey My will, and don’t delay...And don't delay
Come now, obey My will, and don’t delay...And don't delay
I’m your shelter from the storm, cold days and nights
I’ll keep you warm. I am your shade from the sun,
I’ll protect you from the one who seeks to hurt the apple of My eye.
Scattered Yisrael I sent My Son for you to die.
In Me your set apart, I will give you a new heart.
To keep My Torah and commands, precepts and statutes
on demand. My Countenance in you will Shine. My Will be done, for now is the time
To keep My Torah and commands, precepts and statutes
on demand. My Countenance in you will Shine. My Will be done, for now is the time
The battle is raging, against His remnant Yisrael.
Our hope is in Yahweh,Yahweh, Av Adonai.
He is calling us to Tsiyon, to bring us back into our land
Our hope is in Yahweh,Yahweh, Av Adonai.
He is calling us to Tsiyon, to bring us back into our land
To heal and deliver us where we were scattered by His
Hand ~ Scattered by His Hand.
Hand ~ Scattered by His Hand.
Will you heed the call? Will you go where I go?
A fuller soap and refiner’s fire, repentance in these last days.Two houses will become as one, His twelve tribes in Yahshua. When we’ve done all to stand,
together we will stand, together we will stand.
A fuller soap and refiner’s fire, repentance in these last days.Two houses will become as one, His twelve tribes in Yahshua. When we’ve done all to stand,
together we will stand, together we will stand.
Trust in
Me, don't be afraid. Obey My will and don't delay (Repeat)
with me on the road to Tsiyon (Repeat)
Last Days,
Linda Rose ~ Spiritsong,
New Song,
Remnant Israel,
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Yahweh is my Strength in weakness, my Deliverer and Salvation
Ps 145:14-16
Yahovah is supporting (samak ~bearing up, sustaining, strengthening and providing rest) to all who are falling (naphal ~ cast down,(feel) inferior, lost, and overwhelmed) And raising up (zaqaph ~ comforting and lifting up, ie exalting) all who are bowed down (Humble / anav ~ gentle, lowly, meek, teachable, and patient) The eyes (ayin ~ fountain, (the source and origin springing up from your being) countenance (appearance and expression) thoughts) of all who look (wait / shabar ~ to scrutinize (to examine carefully) by implication of watching, to expect with hope and patience) to You (Yahweh Yahovah Elohim Adonai) expectantly (with an excited feeling of joy that something is going to happen,) and You (Av Yahweh) are giving (nathan ~ appointing, granting, performing, delivering and distributing) them their food /meat (okel ~ prey, mealtime (what you need to eat to stay alive) in due (right, fitting and proper) season (eth ~ time) You (Yahweh) open (pathach ~ loosen, carve, engrave, plough, draw out and unstop) Your Hand (yad ~ strength, labor, order, service and bounty) and satisfying (sawbah ~ giving more than enough, fill to overflowing, be full, have plenty) the desire (ratson ~ delight, favor, acceptance, and good pleasure) of all that live. (Elohim is the Yahovah over the living and not the dead ~ Those who are alive in the Ruach through salvation and regeneration in Yahushua Messiah)
James 4:10
Humble yourselves (tapeinoo ~ to be brought low (have reverence and be in awe) in your heart , meek and teachable) in the sight (enopion ~ presence, face to face) of Yahovah, and He will lift (hupsoo ~exalt and raise) you up
Ps 37:17,19
For the arms (zeroa ~ strength and power) of the wrongdoers/wicked ~ guilty, immoral, condemned, and actively bad (evilcharacter; morally reprehensible) person) are broken (shabar ~ crushed, torn down, destroyed and broken in pieces,) but Yahweh sustains /upholds (samak ~ to be leaned upon, to bear up, provide rest, support and establish) the righteous (Tsadeek ~ just, lawful ie those who guard and keep (do) Yah's Commands and Torah)
They are not ashamed (bush /boosh ~ disappointed, delayed, confounded or confused) in a time of evil, ra'ah ~ everything around you is morally bad, wretched (contemptable and worthless,) grievious, misreable, troubled, to cause ill, affliction and harm to others) and in the days of scarcity (re'abon ~ famine (extreme hunger and starvation) of food they are satisfied (sawbah ~ filled to satisfaction, made full, to have plenty, to have enough)
Nahum 1:7
Yah is good, (tov ~ bountiful, cheerful, gracious, kindly and loving) as a stronghold (ma'oz ~ defense, fort, rock, strength, and fortified place) in the day of distress/trouble (tsarah ~ anguish, affliction, tribulation, adversity, and anguish) And He knows (yada ~ senses, observes, recognizes, understands, discerns, and is familiar with) those who take refuge /trust (chasah ~ flee for confide in, put their total trust and hope) in Him.
Nahum 1:12-13
Thus says Yahovah, "Though they are strong (gibbor ~ very powerful, tyranical and mighty) and many, (rav ~ greatly abound in number, , exceedingly great and plentious) yet they shall be cut off. (gazaz ~ cut down and destroyed) Though I have afflicted (anah ~ chastened, dealt harshly with, troubled and weakened) you, I afflict (anah ~ trouble, chasten and deal harshly with) you no more. So now I will break (shabar ~ quench, destroy and crush in pieces) his yoke (mot ~ wavering, shaking and staff as in having authority and control) from you and tear off (nathaq ~ pluck away, root out, burst and break in sunder (separate and sever) your shackles (moserah ~ bonds, chains, halter and restraints)
Isaiah 61:1
The Spirit (Ruach) of Yahweh is upon Me (Yahushua) to bind up (chabash ~ to rule, govern, heal, wrap firmly) the broken hearted (shabar leb(v) ~ The very center and core of your heart being discouraged, and and broken in pieces.) To proclaim (qara ~ properly address, pronounce, call out and invite) liberty (deror ~ freedom, to move rapidly, spontaneity of outflow, to make clear and pure) the captives (shabah ~ those driven away and led away into bondage and confinement / His scattered remnant,) and the opening of the prison ( pechach-qoach ~ breaking forth into deliverance and salvation from sin) to them that are bound (asar ~ yoked, hitched, harnessed and in bonds (chains/ enslaved to sin)
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Proverbs 1:23 and 33
Proverbs 1:23
Make amends and take action at My rebuke and correction. Behold, I will gush forth
with such force and intensity My Spirit, Life, Breath, Mind and Courage on you
Proverbs 1:33
Whosoever..whatever person, no matter what color or ethnicity (For Yahweh starts out showing no respect of persons) chooses to hear, discern, and regard my voice intellectually with obedience to Me, aol dwell, lodge, permanently inhabit, be at ease, have peace, rest and quietness from dread, fear and great terror from evil, affliction, harm, misery and grief...................................................................
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
I Get Out by Lauren Hill
"You can't hold me in these chains, I get out!"
Awesome lyrics!!!
May the captives of this worlds mind control be set free!
Yahovah, through His Son Yahshua, by His Kadosh (set apart) Ruach (Spirit)
is calling His remnant lost tribes of Israel that He has scattered throughout the nation's to come out of the world and hear His call to come on home on the road to Tsiyon
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Psalm 62:6 - Quavah ~ Rope by Chaim Bentorah
Psalms 62:6: “Only for God does my soul wait in silence for from Him cometh my hope.”
So what am I waiting for while I am in silence? Actually the word wait is not found in the Hebrew text, it is just the opinion of translator that if you are in silence you are waiting for something. I am learning that while in silence I am not waiting for anything, something is happening all the time. As according to our English translation of Psalms 62:6 I am hoping during this time.
The word hope is an unfortunate word to use here as in our 21st Century it can be very misleading because it automatically implies that something may or may not happen. Here the word for hope comes from the root word quavah which means a cord or rope. This is in the sense of a rope that attaches to something. Think about it, what is the purpose of a rope but to attach to something. The word cometh is also not in the Hebrew text, again which is the translator’s opinion. Let’s just do a literal word for word translation and what we have is: “Surely does my soul attached itself to God in silence.” That doesn’t make sense until you have spent some time in silence and you begin to realize that you soul is attaching itself to God.
Your spirit is already attached to God when you accept Jesus as your Savior, but that nasty old soul and body just keep getting in the way. The body wants to eat, it gets hungry so everytime you try to praise God it is crying out: “Feed me”. This is especially true if your pastor exceeds his allotted time. Your body is a spoiled brat so you just have to treat it like a spoiled brat and tell it: “Tough luck kiddo, guess what? I am fasting and you ain’t getting nutin’” You treat it like the spoiled brat which it is. Whatever your body wants you give it. And believe me when your body wants something it will interrupt any important time you have with God so you just tell it to shut up, it ain’t getting nothing until you finish getting your bread from the Word of God.
Oh, but then you soul has to jump into the fray. It is worried about a bill, an impending move to new apartment, a job etc. Well, you just pat you old soul on the head and say, “Now , now this is not the time to worry about it, we are in silence listen to the voice of God He will tell you it is ok.” Sometimes you have to do what David did in Psalms 103 and that is to pick you soul up by the collar and slam it against the wall and demand that it get with the program and start blessing the Lord and if it can’t do that then at least dwell on the benefits of God throughout your life. Your soul will eventually come around, tail tucked behind it. I found after two days of silence my soul is now quavah binding with God or attaching itself with God. You seequavah which is rendered as wait is really a word for rope which is made by tightly binding strands of fabric together, so it really has the idea of binding with God rather than waiting for God.
Quavah has a nautical origin. A hole was bored through a large rock and a rope was attached to the rock to be used as an anchor. I spoke with a man who grew up in Alaska on fishing boats and was himself a captain on a large fishing vessel, He said during a storm they would toss an anchor overboard and when it attaches to something it holds the boat firm and the boat will actually face into the wind. He said once he dragged an anchor to hold firm he has faced many a powerful storms head on with the boat. It was rough but so long as that anchor held, they rode out the storm. When tossed overboard you are only sure that rock that anchor is attached when you pull on the rope and feel its weight. You can’t see the rock that it is attached to but you know from the weight and the fact that your ship is not moving that the rock you are anchored to is still holding. I think you can make the spiritual connection here.
I tell you this old ship of mine has been through many a storms, the sail is torn, the haul is taking in water, but the Rock that I am anchored to still holds, it still holds. In fact take a look at the next verse, we are still following a nautical theme. In verse 7 it says: “He is my rock and my salvation, my high tower, I shall not be moved. During a storm the anchor also keeps the ship on course and keeps it from smashing against the rocks. You know where the rocks are because of the lighthouse. High towers were built on the shoreline so sailors could keep the shore in view and in sight. As long as you could see the tower and your rock or anchor holds, you are confident you are not blown off course. That rock and high tower was a sailor’s salvation and with it he is confident he will not be moved off course. He will continue on his way home.
A funny thing happens to rope as it is put under a strain like being attached to a rock under water. Rope was made pretty much the same way rope is made today. Thin strands of fabric are woven together. Each strand could easily be broken in itself, but when it is bound tightly together it becomes unbreakable. To bind it tightly together it must be stretched. When attached to a rock or anchor it creates a pull and it is stretched. During a storm that ship is trying to move which has one end of the rope and the other end is attached to a rope pulling it back saying; “No you’re not going anywhere.” This pull on both ends only tightens the cord or rope. Thus, as we go through the storms of life, our quavah is only strengthened. The greater the storm the stronger our attachment is to our Anchor. Our Anchor still holds and as long as we see that Watchtower that light house in the distance, we know we are on track to our heavenly home.
But it is not only the storms of life that our attachment our quavah grows tighter, but according to this Psalm in silence our soul grows in its attachment to God. So I am not waiting for anything to happen it is happening right now, I am binding myself to God. Every moment in silence is making me tighter with God.
Chaim Bentorah,
Linda Rose ~ Spiritsong,
Psalm 62:6,
Saturday, June 4, 2016
This song was written by Voo
Music transposed, sung and produced by Spiritsong
Video put together by Netty Daniel
Netty Daniel,
Friday, June 3, 2016
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Be Imitators of Yahweh Elohim / Psalm 94:18 & 19

This morning I was led to Ephesians 5.
It starts out saying.... "Become, then, imitators of Yahweh Elohim as beloved children" (to imitate means to follow and do the behavior and actions of)
How are we to imitate our Creator Yahweh Yahshua?
The remainder of chapter 5 tells us.
*Walk in Love as Messiah who has and continues to love us
*Put off the misdeeds of the flesh is our sinful nature (uncleanness, immorality, greed, idolatry (put other loves above your love for Yahweh God)lfoolish talking, coarse jesting lying, and the unfruitful deeds of darkness) but rather expose them
*Do not be deceived by empty and meaningless words
*Walk in the Light
*Know and understand what the Will of Yahovah is for you
*Sing and encourage one another with songs of praise
*Give thanks (not for but in whatever circumstance you are in and for every good and perfect gift given to you from above)
*Submit to one another in Love
*Submit to Yahweh Yahshua your husbandman who loved and gave His Life for you
Another scripture of encouragement to meditate on is Psalm 94:18-19
When I said, "My foot has slipped" Your lovingkindness Yahweh God supported me. When anxiety was great within me, Your comforts delighted my being.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
528 ~ Crown ~ Miracle ~ Beautiful beyond description
This morning in my prayer time I just opened my Bible. I didn't search forr anything specific, but I happened to inadvertently open to Isaiah 28. Immediately my eyes went to verse 5. I don't believe in coincidences, but rather divine appointments from the Most High Av(Father) Before I opened up my Bible, the number 528 kept popping into my head. I looked up that number and this is what I found.
According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 528 Hertz is a frequency that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” More than any sound previously discovered, the “LOVE frequency” resonates at the heart of everything. It connects your heart, your spiritual essence, to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth.
The Love frequency is the “Miracle” note of the original Solfeggio musical scale. Independently confirmed by researchers, these core creative frequencies were used by ancient priests and healers in advanced civilizations to manifest miracles and produce blessings.
So Isaiah 28:5 if you unscramble the numbers and put the 5 in front of 28 you get the number 528. I will so add verse 6 as it completes the flow of verse 5. I will also put in parenthesis the Hebrew meaning of specific words to bring the shallow understanding to the depth of what is being said.
Isaiah 28:5-6
In "that" day(which prophetically is referring to these last of the last days we are presently in) Yehovah of Hosts(appointed times, battle, service, army's, soldiers) is for a crown of splendor(adornment of great significance, prominence and beauty) and a headdress of comliness (a decorative, attractive covering and appearance of Yahovah's glory - the heavy weight of HIS Presence on our heads. The head being the highest point of Yah's Presence we carry and represent to this dead, ugly, decaying, wicked, perverse, dark and lost world we live in. We bring His miracle (highest spiritual frequency) of the salvation of Yahshua who alone saves!) to the remnant (remaining survivors) of His people, and a spirit of right ruling (judgement - witnessing and pronouncing a sentence against the the wicked and haters of Yahweh and His people) and a strength (defense, rock, and fortified place) to those who turn back the battle (engaging warfare) of the gate (opening, portals)
It Want to also add link to a song that came to my mind after reading this amazing Word!
beautiful beyond description,
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