
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Faith and God's Principle

At present i'm in the midst of listening to an audio series called, Faith unto Enlargement through Adversity by T. Austin Sparks. There are 8 parts in this series of which i just finished part 5. This is an incredible series that i would encourage you to pursue. i will put up the link to the audio page that has this series. If you scroll down it will be the second set of audios from the top of the page. i am also going to put up the one i just finished with this evening called, "Faith and Gods Principle." This one so moved me that i was deeply compelled by the Spirit to put up.
i KNOW this will really speak to some of you serious followers of the Way, Truth and Life.  Please take the prayerful time to listen to this audio. May you endeavor in your pursuit of Yahweh God to settle for nothing less than ALL of Him in you and all that consists of your fallen self centered nature within you, the world and every inward idol to be crucified with Christ daily. For such is our CALLING as Christ Jesus made it clear for us in His Word. Luke 14:33 ~ So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh (renounces) not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple. If there be ANYTHING whatsoever within you that hinders Abba Father from being your ALL, then that is satan's foothold in your life.

Do ANY of these things you don't want to let go of or feel you can't live without satisfy you? If you would really be honest, the answer to that would be NO. The exchange of our life for His is so vast. What an incredibly loving Father that all He asks of us is to forsake our lives so we can receive HIS DIVINE LIFE! What can be better than to have His Divine Nature in place of our wretched wicked pathetic nature that seeks it's own way? To satisfy our own self at the expense of being separated from God and a lack of compassion for His created beings He tells us to consider better than ourselves? What kind of life is that anyway? It is the ultimate sickness and dis- ease of our own wretched condition without the sacrifice and price that was paid through the shed blood of Jesus to justify, regenerate and bring us into HIS Holy Sanctification. For such a sacrifice is made void in those who do not go beyond asking Jesus into your life. He needs to BECOME the WHOLE of your life in all things!

Linda Rose

Faith and God's Principle ~ Click Here

T Austin Sparks Chronological Audios ~ Click Here