
Monday, June 27, 2011

Cindy's Song ~ Heal Me

This song came out of praying for a neighbor who has some kind of degenerate disease where she keeps losing weight well below her normal weight and suffers from a lot of pain.  The doctors are baffled and cannot find out why she keeps losing weight. She used to be a severe alcoholic and turned to God several years ago for the help she needed to get off the alcohol. When she talks about God she tells me of her experiencing His presence when she comes before Him on her knees. On several occasions of talking to Cindy, i got the sense that she deeply loves God, but needs to come to a deeper seeking and growing in His Word. i briefly shared my concern for my neighbor Cindy with Netty and she also has been praying. 

A month ago Netty received a vision of Cindy and i worshiping Abba while singing  some Spiritsongs.  She saw Cindy (who she described as having blonde hair which she does) on her knees with tears streaming down her face as we were worshiping together.  Netty said God wants to do a tremendous work of healing in Cindy's life. As we dialoged about this she sensed in her spirit that Abba wanted to give me a new song as i seek that alone time with Him on this matter. The next morning Father woke me up at 5am. It wasn’t long after praying that I got the song instantly. i heard His Spirit say to me (after He gave me all the words and music) to Call this song,  “Cindy’s Song ~ Heal Me.”  

There have been many obstacles trying to keep Cindy and i from coming together, but looking back, after being able to finally record this song, i can now see Abba’s Hand in the delay. It is a blessing to be able to not only get to sing and worship with Cindy this Wednesday, but to have the opportunity to give her the recording of the song for her to listen to in the days to follow our Divine appointed time together.

i cannot tell you the power and anointing of the Spirit that was on me when I recorded this song yesterday. i pray before recording every song Abba gives me. This time i was so carried away in prayer far beyond any other time i have prayed before recording. i got so caught up in praying that i forgot about recording. LOL! i went from prayer and fellowship with Abba to recording straight through the song. i didn't even give it a thought of how it was coming out till the very end. i immediately said to Abba all choked up, "WOW, we got through that all the way through without any mistakes!" The recording became a continuation of prayer and worship to the Most High Abba Father who is WORTHY of ALL GLORY, HONOR &PRAISES!!!! i am SO THANKFUL that He  completely took over since my husband and daughter came home earlier than expected. i asked them to give me 15 more minutes to finish up my back up vocals. They both cooperated by finding something quiet to do and then we went trout fishing soon after. : )

This song Abba Father had given to me for Cindy is also a song of healing to all those SEEKING hearts that so desire more of Him and need His delivering and healing hand upon their lives.  My  prayer is that it not only encourages you, but that you find great comfort, grace, HEALING and a burning desire to come nearer to Abba Father in Yehshua Jesus with all your heart, soul and mind.

Linda Rose / Spiritsong