
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

On the Edge of Meta by Stefanie ~ Wretch Saved by Grace


The social media company, Facebook has announced its new name change and that its gearing up for the Metaverse.  If the voice of Rod Serling isn’t echoing in your ears and the classic, esoteric swirling symbol spinning in your mind, they probably will be, even if you’ve never seen the “Twilight Zone.”  I was called off that platform quite abruptly one morning, about a year and a half ago, but interestingly, I was reminded of a connection to the new company name.

In prayer a month or so later I received the word/name Metatron.  I shared this with my mom and a couple of close friends at that time.  It was totally random and only vaguely reminiscent of something from the kids’ show, “Transformers” (search “predictive programming.) So I searched.  I found a good deal more, but according to, Metatron is considered the greatest of angels in Jewish legends and mythology.

“Metatron is not a figure of the Hebrew Bible, but his name appears briefly in several passages of the Talmud. His legends are predominantly found in mystical Kabbalistic texts. He is variously identified as the Prince (or Angel) of the Presence, as Michael the archangel, or as Enoch after his bodily ascent into heaven. He is commonly described as a celestial scribe recording the sins and merits of men, as a guardian of heavenly secrets, as God’s mediator with men, as the ‘lesser Yahweh,’ as the archetype of man, and as one ‘whose name is like that of his master,’” per Brittanica. 

Let’s just say that none of my Biblical and historical studies have led me to equate this figure with God’s lesser, a guardian of secrets (though more likely a keeper of them), Archangel Michael, or the Enoch of Genesis 5:24.  The Bible does mention two other Enochs, and texts indicate they didn’t walk in The Way that Enoch, seventh from Adam did. 

“The metaverse is an iteration of the internet part of shared virtual reality, often as a form of social media.  The metaverse in a broader sense may not only refer to virtual worlds operated by social media companies but the entire spectrum of augmented reality,” claims  Three concepts on which to meditate, with emphasis on the adjectives:  artificial intelligence; virtual reality; and augmented reality.  Personally I’ve had quite enough of steering from reality over the past couple of years, for starters. 

Apparently the trend, or desire of the powers that be, is to gamify society across the world.  Gamification, according to Merriam-Webster, is “the process of adding games or gemlike elements to something (such as a task) so as to encourage participation.”  Doesn’t this sound like good, clean, global fun? 

“Worked from home and ordered groceries rather than going to the office and shopping, keeping your carbon emissions low!  Good citizen!  You get 200 extra points on your social credit score!”  (I beg you to stop trusting in man, put down the phone, take off the VR headset, and open the Bible or pray.)

The Google Doodle (animated logo) today was the word Zoogle being spelled out in leaves as the trail was entering a house.  The “Z” looked like a snake, but Zoogle is also a “Torrent” search engine, which appears to be merging with (or has always been a part of) Google.  A zoogle apparently is one who prefers negotiating over fighting; a calculating idealist, according to the defines it as evoking “contribution, recognition, and awareness.” (“…the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.” Revelation 17:8…how coincidental.)

A torrent is a tumultuous downpour or violent, rushing outpouring, per Merriam-Webster.  But according to Wikipedia, “In the “BitTorrent [computer] file distribution system a torrent file or meta-info file is a computer file that contains metadata about files and folders to be distributed, and usually also a list of the network locations of trackers, which are computers that help participants in the system find each other and form efficient distribution groups called swarms.” Swarms of locusts, bees, flies, and creatures in general are throughout the Old Testament, but surely that’s just “coincidence.”  I mean, come on, conspiracy theorists! 

What does all this mean?  Well there’s a lot going on behind the curtain, Dorothy, but out front, normalization is occurring.  It’s “the process of reorganizing data in a database” to streamline, per  What I see is a mass convergence of surveillance, the Antichrist is marrying his bride, but I’m sure it’s all just to help you get caught in the, er, I mean, navigate the net and find the things and people you want.  Surely the new towers and infrastructure for faster internet speeds, that was mostly installed during spring shutdown/quarantine 2020 will help.  Last step is just to get it all inside of us so we’re not saddled with these darn devices.  You may want to check out the article mentioned before, “The Internet of Bodies is here…” at the safe, effective, and inclusive World Economic Forum,

The same question tends to always arise:  “Just who are these nameless, faceless, ‘they’?” I keep trying to share the truth: Genesis 6 (particularly verse 4), Ephesians 6; and Jude 6.  Wow, that’s 666, how ironic.  (I sound like Willy Wonka, surely.)  

Repent, pick up your cross, and follow Jesus at all costs, because eternity is real—far more real than this fading world.  And protect your children!  Do not sell them out to false gods.  There’s no true protection except under the Blood of the Lamb.  God bless you all.

“And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations.”  Isaiah 25:7 The vail is off.  He who has eyes, let him see.

This is a newspaper column article written by Stefanie ~ Wretch Saved by Grace


  1. Eyes wide open. October 28th 2021 ( keep in mind the number 3 as I share). In a dream on the 28th I was with a brother in Christ who passed away Oct.4th ( I couldn't see him but knew he was seated in a chair to my left). 1) A song was playing on my phone" There will be no more tears in Heaven..we will see the Salvation of The Lord. 2) This same song was also being played on a laptop that was on the floor. 3) I had randomly bookmarked my " Promises of God" devotional and when I opened it that morning it began with Revelation 7:17....and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. This " 3" confirmation happened again last night in 3 seperate instances of " The Good Shepherd" 1st in a book of hymns and 2nd in another devotional book and 3rd a message by brother Jim Stockstill which ended with Jesus our Good Shepherd. I am nearly undone and put to silence by all these things. We will follow Jesus and be strong in Him....trusting Him to the end! What a weight is about to be lifted in VICTORY!!

  2. My thoughts exactly!!!! Meta means Death in Hebrew


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