
Monday, March 15, 2021

Prayers on Breaking Generational Curses (Scripture and Prayers to Repent and Break These Curses)


10 “Now when you tell these people all these words and they ask you, ‘Why has the Lord decreed all this great tragedy against us? And what is our iniquity, what is the sin which we have committed against the Lord our God?’ 11 Then you are to say to them, ‘It is because your fathers have abandoned (rejected) Me,’ says the Lord, ‘and have walked after other gods and have served them and bowed down to the handmade idols and have abandoned (rejected) Me and have not kept My law, 12 and because you have done worse [things] than your fathers. Just look, every one of you walks in the stubbornness of his own evil heart, so that you do not listen [obediently] to Me 

 Jeremiah 15:7,19-21

 “I will winnow (sort, separate) them with a winnowing fork at the gates of the land;I will deprive them of children, I will destroy My people; They did not repent and turn from their [evil] ways. "I will winnow (sort, separate) them with a winnowing fork At the gates of the land; I will deprive them of children, I will destroy My people; They did not repent and turn from their [evil] ways

Therefore, thus says the Lord [to Jeremiah],
“If you repent [and give up this mistaken attitude of despair and self-pity], then I will restore you [to a state of inner peace]
So that you may stand before Me [as My obedient representative]; And if you separate the precious from the worthless [examining yourself and cleansing your heart from unwarranted doubt concerning My faithfulness],
You will become My spokesman. Let the people turn to you [and learn to value My values]— But you, you must not turn to them [with regard for their idolatry and wickedness
and I will make you unto this people a fenced brazen wall: and they shall fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you, for I am with you to save you and to deliver you, saith the Lord. And I will deliver you out of the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem the out of the hand of the terrible.

 Prayer to Break Off Generational Curses


I break all curses or vows that have ever been spoken over me from my mother and father, and from all generational  curses  that  have  been  spoken  over  anyone  in  my  ancestry  all  the  way back to Adam and Eve.  In Jesus  Christ’s  name, I declare that I  am  not  in  agreement with any  form  of sin, or disobedience that operates in this world and against the throne of God, as I am not in agreement to any person, or family member -who deliberately sinned, or perverted God's ways. In the Mighty name of Jesus Christ, I thank You Father God for Your good and righteous ways, and I seek to live my life by Your Spirit and reap the rewards of living by Your righteousness. I repent  for  every relative  connected  to  my  family  ancestry who  has deliberately, or without  spiritual  wisdom-sinned  against  my  Lord,  or  His  people. I realize  that  all  sin  will  be judged one day and that each one of us is accountable for what we have said or done, but I am repenting for my family’s sins so that I shall be released from any curse(s)these sins may have produced against me. I put all of my sins and my ancestors’ sins at the foot of the cross and declare that Jesus Christ has paid the price and that, Father God -you have forgiven us for all.  I  break  all  generational  curses  of  pride,  lust,  perversion,  rebellion,witchcraft,occult activity, idolatry,poverty, sickness,infirmity, disease,rejection, fear,confusion, addiction, death,and destruction-in the name and by the blood of Jesus.I curse all traumas in my ancestors and descendants’ lives that have had any legal right to me and command all memory of these to be forever forgotten and never remembered again. I replace these traumas with peace. I speak that any and all nightmares in sleep will be turned to joy,loving dreams, and visions from the Lord. I renounce the behavior of any relative in our family background who has lived more for the world, than for God. I renounce any ungodly beliefs, traditions, rituals, or customs that my people may have followed or acted upon. I repent of those family members who sought to fulfill the selfishness of their desires, and those who have perverted God's righteousness for I, myself-choose to serve God and live by His ways. I declare  that  my  descendants  will  receive  blessings and  favor  from this day forward. That we will be blessed with love, joy, and peace throughout our lives, and that Jesus will be the King of our lives. I declare life and health to me and all those in my family line in Jesus mighty name!


Prayer to Renounce the Jezebel Spirit

Heavenly Father, I come before you with a contrite, humble, and sincere heart.  Thank you for having my eyes opened and scales removed today to the truth of what I have been battling in my life. I was truly a victim of my circumstances as I was an innocent child that was being controlled, manipulated, and hurt through my father (and/or mother), because they had also been hurt by the enemy through their parents (as was their ancestors)which allowed the pain and abuse to become a vicious cycle that will now be broken off over my life and all of my descendants. I am ready for this controlling spirit to be broken off of my life once and for all.  Today, I take back what the enemy has stolen from me and I command all painful memories of my past to be removed forever, never to be remembered again. I forgive all that have hurt me in my past and break off all spirits of offense that I have taken. I choose to forgive my father for all that he did to hurt me. I choose to forgive my mother for all that she did to hurt me (and you should name anyone else that has hurt you as there is power and healing in forgiveness.)I cancel every negative and un-scriptural word ever spoken over my life and all physical, emotional, or sexual acts that have hurt me throughout my lifetime. I break the power of the spirits of confusion, fear, control, anger, deceit, pride, arrogance, and manipulation and exchange all hurts and pains from my past to be taken by Jesus Christ and forever healed and replaced with His love, joy, and peace for the remainder of my days on earth. I command all the effects from serving the spirit of Jezebel to be broken off of me and my descendants forever. I command every demonic influence of any name from the spirit of Jezebel to be broken off of my life and I truly repent for my serving of these spirits intentionally or inadvertently. I renounce all wrong associations that I’ve had which served the spirit of Jezebel. I repent for all those  that  I  have  hurt  with  my  controlling  behavior  and  declare  that  I  will  no  longer  serve  the powers of witchcraft from this moment forward. I declare a divorce with the spirit of Jezebel. I want nothing to do with the wickedness of that spirit in my life, and declare that I will serve only the one true and living God with all of my being.  All  the  wounds  that  Jesus  took  for  me  on  the  cross  were  sufficient  for  me  to  be  healed forever, and I exchange my broken heart for a new heart that is soft, gentle, loving, pure, and strong (symbolically pull a knife out of your old heart and replace your heart with a new one from your   who loves you unconditionally.)I declare that I will serve Jesus Christ and His Word with all of my heart from this moment forward. I declare I will not compromise my living to any standard below Christ’s love, purity, and Holiness. Thank you, Jesus-for healing my broken heart forevermore and giving me a new life to serve you with.  In Jesus blessed name I claim this to be done and by the power of Your she Blood!


Prayer to Renounce the Leviathan Spirit

Lord, I come before you with a humble and contrite spirit, and command all spirits of pride to be gone from me forever in Jesus name. I ask you, God-to remove from my life any influence from the spirit of Leviathan. I reject this spirit completely with all my heart, and command it to be broken off me forever -never to return. Forgive me for any ways that I have served this spirit either intentionally or inadvertently. Forgive me for  any  ways  in  which  I  have  been  twisted or have twisted the truth, that I have listened to distortion of the truth, or have distorted the truth. I devote myself to bringing unity, not division or confusion, into the church and into my personal relationships  and will, therefore -honor  other Godly members  and  those  you  have  placed  in authority over me. It states in Isaiah 27:1 -“In that day the Lord with His severe sword, great and strong, will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan that twisted serpent; And He will slay the reptile that is in the sea.” I declare that Leviathan is severed from my life now and forever more.  By your grace, I will speak the truth in love and dedicate myself to expressing the truth of your word in my life, and have a humble and contrite spirit in the precious name of Jesus. Amen."I command Leviathan’s head, body, and tail to be completely gone from my body and send you to hell in Jesus name!  I declare that my back, discs, and spine be completely aligned perfectly and any twisted organs to be untwisted and made perfect.  I also speak to my legs that they are both the exact same length, in Jesus name.  All sickness and disease in my body be gone now and I declare every cell in my body to be completely healed.  Thank you Jesus!


Prayer to Renounce Legion

Jesus, I forgive anyone, known or unknown, that was involved in a painful situation that I have had to live through. I believe that as I release forgiveness toward them they will be blessed and I will be healed. I am not going to live among the tombs anymore that I have been controlled by my memories.  I have been sick because of the things that have happened to me.  I have had financial challenges because of the situations that I have lived through so I am starting the healing process now by forgiving anyone that was involved in that situation and I repent for letting myself get offended, bothered, critical, bitter, judgmental, gossiping, and unforgiving. I forgive and repent and receive the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.  I am the righteousness of God through Christ. I believe Jesus died for my sins. Every sin that created a tomb inside my soul is now being washed away.  I am healed and I will have nothing in me that is in common with Legion and he and his other demons will have no power over me. I command Legion and all his demons to go to hell now in Jesus name


Prayer to Break off Witchcraft curses

Father I condemn the words released from any and every witchcraft prayer aimed at me or my family. In the name of Jesus, I break every incantation, spell, hex, and curse coming against me or my family member or my ministry. I ask You to cancel every word curse, witchcraft spell or incantation, every hateful thought, even careless curse words spoken in anger. I ask You to put all these under the Blood of Jesus and destroy the power behind them so they become null and void. I forgive and release those who have sinned against me. Bless them, Father, by teaching them how to know You and be loved by You. May every sin of every ritual performed by those who know me, or who operate in this geographic area, come under Your redeeming blood to break its power, in Jesus’ name. I renounce and reject, sever and cut, all personal and ancestral ties to witchcraft, Satanism, the Illuminati, Freemasons, Eastern Star, Scottish Rite and to Lucifer himself. I now bind every demon released and every demonic device send through those negative words, curses, spells, and rituals and command them to go to the feet of Jesus Christ. I bind all spirits of retaliation, retribution, revenge, torment, harassment, backlash, or punishment. I forbid them from operating against me or my family or anything that concerns us. I now destroy every strategy of the enemy to come against my family, myself, or my ministry, in the mighty name of Jesus. Father, I ask that You release Your blessing and protection over every area of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayers for breaking Generational Curses from you Children

Since you are standing in the gap for your child or grandchild that has not yet reached the age of accountability, YOU must meet all requirements before you can come against the Enemy on their behalf. All of this might sound “crazy” to you at first, but if there is any spiritual door that has not been shut, then the Enemy continues to HAVE LEGAL right to access your child/grandchild, so make sure you’re READY!

 IMPORTANT: For Satan’s benefit, it is not necessary to yell or anything, just audible. God knows our hearts, but Satan must hear you taking away the legal rights, etc.


Since only a small percentage of Believers even know what spiritual house cleaning is, it stands to reason most will think this utterly ridiculous. Nothing could be further from the truth.

 Yes, Believers do have authority by and through Jesus. However, EVERYTHING in the spiritual realm (and physical realm) has been created and operates upon God's Laws. So, if there is anything “illegal” (that goes against God’s Law -- i.e. sins that have not been repented of and renounced, generational and word curses that haven’t broken, items removed from the house (which sometimes includes getting rid of PICTURES, GIFTS, etc.) all of that must be taken care of FIRST.

 Any/all items contained in the lists below that you have in your home/apartment should be removed/destroyed as soon as possible.

 Many items may come as a surprise to most of you. However, the Enemy wants us to be ignorant. Why? Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no Possession of these items, whether purchased by you, or gifted to you, give the Enemy LEGAL RIGHT in your home. What many believers do not understand is that items (especially items from antique shops) carry with them curses, which curses REMAIN in effect until the item(s) are removed/destroyed.

Everything Unclean/Satanic/Occult/Freemason/Demonic Designs, any fabric containing occultic/pagan symbolism, paisley pain, fleur-de-lis, damask prints, any print associated with false religion/country-specific prints, etc., should be removed out of your house/apartment. Recommended mode of destruction is burning if you can. If you are unable to burn it, then smash/break/tear it up into as many pieces as possible and throw away. NEVER DIG A HOLE AND BURY ANYTHING!  

 [SAY OUT LOUD before you begin praying] IT IS WRITTEN IN Joel 2:32 “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be DELIVERED.”

 “Heavenly Father, as a spirit-filled child of God, and by the authority given me by your Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I come to you on behalf of my child/grandchild, “_____________” (state full name), who has not yet reached the age of accountability.

 I exercise this authority on ___________’s (child’s first name) behalf to break all curses, spells, evil wishes, evil distress, darkness, magic, hereditary seals, satanic pronouncements, bonds, covenants, dedications, initiations, both known and unknown on her mother’s and father’s sides all the way back to Adam.

 On ___________’s (child’s first name) behalf and by the authority of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I come against all satanic vows, pacts, contracts, spiritual binding and soul ties with satanic forces. I cut, cancel, break and destroy the transmission of these links through ___________’s (child’s first name) ancestry both on his/her mother’s and father’s sides all the way back to Adam. I cancel all effects of all links with psychics, clairvoyants, astrologers, mediums, occult, seers, masters, fortune tellers, participation in séances, divination and activity with tarot cards, astrology and occult games, all false religions, all religious restrictions and perversion of the Gospel in her family bloodlines, either from a Christian denomination or church, from a different religion, faith or tradition.

 On ___________’s (child’s first name) behalf, I confess, repent of, and renounce any and all openings that has given the Enemy LEGAL RIGHT to continue to have a hold on her or her family members. By the application of the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I cut, cancel, break and destroy the transmission of all satanic works, including occult, including all addiction including alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, food, gambling, smoking, shopping, prescription drugs, work; idolatry, looking into the hidden things of darkness passed on through her bloodline both on his/her mother’s and father’s sides all the way back to Adam.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I also renounce, cut, cancel break and destroy all blood oaths, blood covenants, blood dedications, blood ties and all blood bondage's to Satan and any other false gods committed in ___________’s (child’s first name) ancestry on both his/her mother’s and father’s sides all the way back to Adam.

 On behalf of “_____________” (state full name), I cancel any and all ungodly documents, contracts, agreements and assignments submitted against his/her and her family, past, present and future, and by the authority I have through Jesus Christ of Nazareth and by application of the His spotless, Holy blood, I render each and every one of them null and void, declaring that the penalty has been paid in full by Jesus at Calvary.

 On ___________’s (child’s first name) behalf, I confess all ungodly behavior, spoken words, thoughts and negative emotions that have had an ill-effect on his/her family bloodlines and other relationships. On her behalf and by the authority I have in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I stand in the gap for and hereby cut, cancel, break and destroy all word curses spoken over ___________’s (child’s first name) or spoken by him/her to or about others. On ___________’s (child’s first name) behalf, I release each situated person from any offense caused, and release all rights to revenge, for the Word of God says that revenge is the Lord’s only.

 On behalf of ___________’s (child’s first name), I confess the operation of rejection in his/her family bloodlines in every form, especially that which is currently affecting him/her and his/her family.

 On ___________’s (child’s first name) behalf, I renounce the effects of any untimely death and any effects of war in ___________’s (child’s first name) family bloodlines on both his/her mother’s and father’s side all the way back to Adam. On behalf of ___________’s (child’s first name), I ask you, Lord Jesus, to release his/her from the negative emotions and consequences of all unresolved grief and disappointments currently at work in his/her life.

 On behalf of ___________’s (child’s first name), I renounce all areas of false guilt and false responsibility in her family bloodlines.

 On ___________’s (child’s first name) behalf, I renounce any hereditary illnesses, whether physical, emotional or mental, and any other weakness in his/her family bloodlines on both his/her mother’s and father’s sides all the way back to Adam.

I confess and ask forgiveness for the failures of all of ___________’s (child’s first name) ancestors for stealing from God by not bringing to Him tithes and offerings as His Word commands, which would permit the Devourer to plunder his/her family’s wealth. On ___________’s (child’s first name) behalf, I confess this grievous sin and I repent and ask your forgiveness now.

 On behalf of “_____________” (state full name), I confess, repent and renounce any and all adultery, fornication, incest, homosexuality or bestiality which has been practiced by his/her family bloodlines. In the name of Jesus Christ, I cut, cancel, break and destroy all consequences of these sins, both known and unknown, including all ungodly soul ties by the blood of Jesus Christ on both his/her mother’s and father’s sides all the way back to Adam.

 On behalf of “_____________” (state full name), I bind every spirit which empowered these generational curses and ungodly soul ties, and as ___________’s (child’s first name) adult representative, I command you all to leave him/her now, and go to your place of appointment to await your judgment in the name and by the Blood of Jesus Christ.





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