
Sunday, January 24, 2021

4 Worship Songs and 3 Personalized Psalms I read on my Live Steam

 Below are 4 worship songs and the 3 Personalized Psalms you can print out for your own personal use. I also posted this live stream video I did on Saturday, January 23 below the songs and Personalized Psalms

 Seek Yahuwah While He May Be Found

We seek You Yahuwah while You may be found

We call upon You while You are near (Repeat)

We incline our ears and come to You. We will hear

So our souls will live (Repeat)


Take our heart of stone, give us Your tender heart of flesh

Break down the walls of pride, we come in humility (Repeat)


Forgive us Yah, and cleanse our souls, by the Blood of Your

Son Jesus Christ (Repeat)

(Repeat song)

(At the end..  For our sins You died And paid the price. We are forgiven, we have eternal Life, by the Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ)


                  Bless You Yah, O My Soul


Bless You Yah, O My Soul, And All That Is Within Me
Bless Your Holy Name.Bless, You Yah, O My Soul,
And All That Is  Within Me, Bless You Holy Name.

You Have Done Great Things, HalleluYAH!                 You Have Done Great Things, HalleluYAH
You Have Done Great Things,Bless Your Holy Name.

We Seek You While You May be Found (HalleluYAH!) We Seek You While You May Be Found (HalleluYAH!) We Are No Longer Bound, Bless Your Holy Name

You’re the Shepherd & Lover of Our Soul (HalleluYAH!) You’re the Shepherd & Lover of Our Soul (HalleluYAH!) You Fullfill and Make Us Whole, Bless Your Holy Name (Chorus)

You Intercede for Us (HalleluYAH!)                             You Intercede For Us (HalleluYAH!)                              It’s You that we can Trust, Bless Your Holy Name

You freed Us From The Slavery of Sin (HalleluYAH!) You Freed Us From The Slavery of Sin (HalleluYAH!) Your Presence We Can Now Enter In, Bless Your Holy Name


                   I Stand in Awe of You

You are beautiful beyond description, too marvelous for words. Too wonderful for comprehension. Like nothing ever seen or heard. Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom, who can fathom the depths of Your love You are beautiful beyond description, Majesty, enthroned above

And I stand, I stand in awe of You. I stand, I stand in awe of You. Holy Yah to whom all praise is due, I stand in awe of You

 Abba Father You are great and Holy, there is none O Yah like You. Worthy to be praised and full of Glory, I am amazed at all You do. There’s no greater gift, no greater treasure than You Yahshua and Your Precious Blood. Abba Father You are great and Holy, O what Grace, what wondrous Love

                   I Just Want to Be Where You Are

I just want to be where you are, dwelling daily in your presence
I don't want to worship from afar, draw me near to where you are

I just want to be where you are, in your dwelling place forever
Take me to the place where you are, 'cause I just want to be with you


I want to be where you are, dwelling in your presence
Feasting at your table, surrounded by your glory
In your presence, that's where I always want to be
I just want to be, I just want to be with you

I just want to be where you are, to enter boldly in Your presence
I don't want to worship from afar, draw me near to where you are

Yah, You are my strength, You are my song. Daily dwelling in Your Presence
Though I am weak, You're always strong, draw me near to where You are



 Ps 27: 1-6, 8-11 & 14

Yahuwah, You are my Light and my Salvation, whom shall I fear? Yah, You are the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked of this earth come against me to eat up my flesh, my very enemies and those who hate me? They will stumble and fall! Though an army (whether physical or spiritual) encamp and prowl around me, my heart will not fear. Though my adversaries who rise up and wage war against me daily? In this will be confident, because I have the promise of Your Word in 2 Timothy 1:7 à  for You Yahuwah my Elohim have not given me a spirit of fear, but You have given me the Power of Your Spirit that indwells me, Your perfect Love which drives away ALL fear, and a sound and disciplined mind! One thing do I desire of You Abba Father,  this I do earnestly seek, that I may dwell and abide in Your House, Yah, Your very Presence all the days of my life. To behold Your Radiant and Majestic Beauty, and to commune with You in Your Temple. I thank You that in times of trouble, You will hide me in Your pavilion, tent shelter and protective covering over me. I will remain in the secret place of Your Tabernacle, House of worship and abiding Presence! You will set me high upon a Rock, Yahshua Jesus, who is my solid Rock and firm Foundation! Abba Father, You lift my head up above my enemies all around me, therefore, I will offer and give to You, Yahuwah the sacrifices and offerings of joy. In Your Tabernacle and in Your Presence, I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to You, Yah! When you say to me, “Seek My Face,” my heart will respond back to You Saying, “Your Face,Yah will I seek!” I thank You, Abba Father, in Your Son Yahshua for the help you have given me throughout my life, and for Your continued help. O Yahuwah, my Salvation, do not leave or forsake me. When my father and mother had forsaken me, You have taken good care of me. With them being gone from my life Abba Father, You continue to take care of me. Holy Spirit, teach me Your Ways and lead me on a smooth path, because of my enemies. I will wait on You, Yah! I will be of good courage and You will strengthen my heart. I will earnestly serve and wait on You Yah.  

              Psalm 34:1-9; 17-19; 21-22

I will bless You Yahuwah at ALL times! Your praises will continually be in my mouth. My soul will make my boast in You, Yah. The humble will hear thereof and be glad! O magnify Yahuwah with me and let us exalt His Name together! I sought You, Yahuwah and You heard me and delivered me from ALL my fears! We, Your people look to You, Yahuwah and we reflect Your radiance, and our faces are not ashamed! Abba Yah, I am poor and needy and cry out to You, and You save me out of ALL my troubles! Your angel Yahuwah encamps round about me and Your people that fear You, and You deliver us! I will taste and see that You Yahuwah are good. Blessed are Your people who put their trust in You! Fear Yahuwah, you His saints! There is no want to them that fear You, O Yah. Your righteous cry out, and You deliver us out of ALL our troubles! Abba Father, You are near to those of us who have a broken heart. You deliver those of us who have a crushed, bruised, wounded, abused and traumatized spirit. MANY are the afflictions of Your righteous, but You deliver us out of them ALL! Evil will slay the wicked and all they that hate the righteous will be desolate! Yahuwah my El Shaddai, You redeem the souls of Your servants, and NONE of us who trust in You will be condemned!      

Psalm 37:3-5; 7-10; 15, 19, 25, 28, 31, 34, 39-40

  I trust in You, Yahuwah, and in You, I will do what is good. In this place where I dwell, I feed on Your faithfulness. I delight myself in You, Yahuwah Most High, and You will give me the desires of my heart.  I desire to love, serve and follow you more. I desire to endure with you till the end of my breath in this temporal body and I desire for my daughter to serve, follow You and inherit Eternal Life. Abba Father, I commit my way, walk, and will to You. Yah, I trust in You, and You will bring my desires to pass! I will rest and wait patiently for You! I will not get upset because of those who prosper along the way, because of those ungodly men and women who bring wicked schemes to pass. I will cease from anger leading to bitterness and wrath. I will not malign, slander or take matters into my own hands. I will not fret, become anxious, annoyed or discontent, it will only lead to harm. Vengeance and wrath against the wicked is Yours, Abba Daddy! The evil doers will be cut off, but those who wait on and serve You,Yah, will inherit the earth to come. For yet a little while longer will we have to wait and endure when the wicked will finally be no more! I will look carefully for his place but they will be no more!! When the wicked draw their sword and bow to cast down the poor and needy and to slay the upright in heart? Their sword will enter their own heart and bow broken. You're called out remnant will not be ashamed in the evil time we are presently in, and in the day of famine, we your people who walk uprightly before You will be satisfied! I have been young and now much older, yet I have not, nor will see Your righteous forsaken, nor my descendants, seed (my daughter) begging for bread! Yahuwah, You love justice and You do not forsake, leave or abandon Your saints. We are preserved forever, but the offspring and seed of the wicked will be cut off! Your loving instructions in righteousness, Commandments and Doctrine of Christ is ever in my heart. None of my steps will slip or fall away from You. I will wait on, serve, and follow You Yah, my El Shaddai! You will exalt me to inherit the land that is to come, after the judgment of fire comes to purge and cleanse this present earth. When the wicked are cut off, I will see it. The Salvation and Deliverance of your righteous is from You, Yah. You are our strength to protect us in the time of great trouble! Yahowah my Abba Father, You will help and deliver us. You will deliver and free us from the wicked. You, Yahuwah Adonai will rescue us because we trust in You!





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