
Thursday, December 24, 2020

How to Daily throw off the old you and put the new You on in Yahshua Jesus


These scriptures I put up are very personalized and put together in a way that makes putting off your old self and putting (and keeping) on your new self more concrete and tangible in your life.

You are called to walk uprightly before your my Maker and Creator Abba Father, to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly before your Yahweh Elohim.

I will DAILY walk and draw close to You Abba Father in Your precious Son Yahshua Jesus so I can effectively be Your witness to the lost around me, to defeat the seen and unseen enemies of Yahshua and Your called out remnant people , and to endure with You till our end

Psalm 4:8

whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, I will (daily) meditated on these things.


Here in lies your journey.....  


Put on the Armor of Yahweh Elohim

Ephesians 6:13-18

I take up this day Your the whole armor, Yahuwah Most High, so that I will be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. I stand (strong, fixed and immovable in You Yahshua my solid Rock and firm foundation), having around my waist Your truth. I put on the breastplate of righteousness, and upon my feet the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, I take up the shield of faith to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.

I take the helmet of salvation upon this head, and the sword of the Spirit, which is Your Word Yahweh Most High. I will pray always with all prayer and supplication (prayers to You on behalf of others) in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and prayers for all the saints—

Father let me not overestimate any goodness found in me. There is only One who is good! It's You, Holy Spirit that works in me to love and good work's in Messiah Yahshua..

Yahweh my Elohim, let me not underestimate my ability to sin or be deceived. That I would be sober minded and take heed, watchful of my own short comings, lest I too fall into temptation. We have ALL sinned and fallen short of Your glory .It is by Your grace Abba Father, that I am saved through faith in Yahshua. If I sin, Yahshua Jesus, You are my advocate and mediator. In confessing and turning away from violating Your Commandment’s and Commands given to me through Your Word which embodies loving You with all my heart, mind, soul and strength and loving my neighbor as myself, You are faithful and just to forgive me of all my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness

Romans 13:12-14

The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore I cast off the works of darkness, and I put on the armor of light. I will walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife (quarreling and aggressive conflict and disagreements with others, but if possible I will be at peace with all men. I  choose to pull back and refrain from getting the last word or proving myself right) and envy.(I choose not to slander, speak bad about or have wrongful desires towards others because of who "they" are that I’m not and what "they" have that I don't. Let me be content and find joy and fulfilment based on who I am and what I have in You, Yahweh my Elohim) I put You on, my Master Yahshua Messiah. I will make no provision for my flesh, to fulfill its lusts

Ephesians 4:22-25

I put off, concerning my former conduct, which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts. I declare by faith that I AM DEAD and my fallen sinful nature is NAILED to the cross with Yahshua Messiah!

I will renew in the spirit of my mind by the washing of the water of Your Word.

I put on my new (nature) which was created according to You, Yahweh Elohim, in true righteousness and holiness.

I put away lying, and will speak the truth with my neighbor, and Your set apart people, Abba Father, for we are members of one another

Titus 2:12

(I thank You, Holy Spirit of Yah) for training me and Your called out set apart remnant, to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this present age

Colossians 3;8,10-17

I put off all anger, (that would lead to sin. Psalm 4:4 says, "Be angry but do not sin. We are not to let the sun go down by remaining angry. This anger for being wronged and righteous anger over the evil and injustices all around us is not sin, as long as it is tempered and under The Holy Spirits control which should spur on to action in upholding righteous and holy living and exposing the evil fruitless deeds of darkness) wrath, malice, slander, blasphemy and filthy language out of my mouth. I put (and keep on my new nature which is renewed in knowledge according to the image of You, Yeshua who created my new nature, where there is neither Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Messiah Yahshua, You are all and in all. As one of Your elect Abba Father, holy and beloved, I cloth myself in You Yahshua Messiah.. I put on Your tender mercies, Your kindness, Your humility, Your meekness and long-suffering. With Your help Holy Spirit who lives in me, I will bear with one another, and forgive one another. If and when I have a complaint or issue against another; even as Messiah Yahshua forgave me, so also must I do. Above all these things, I put on YOUR love, (that You shed abroad in my heart by Your Holy Spirit, You Abba Father have given to me) which is the bond of perfection. I will let Your Peace Yahweh Elohim rule in my heart to which also I was called in one body; (For this I am very grateful and thankful to be a part of Your Body and family.) I will let Your Word Messiah Yeshua dwell in me richly in all wisdom, (knowledge of the Truth which is You, Yahshua, my Master and Redeemer, in understanding and discernment)  Whatever I do today in word and in all my actions, I will, by faith do all in Your Name, power and redeeming blood, Yahshua Jesus, giving thanks to You Abba Father through Him

2 Timothy 3:1-5

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: mankind will be lovers of self (I ask You Abba Father in Yahshua that You would keep and deliver me from loving myself ahead of loving you and all others I hold near and dear to my heart) lovers of wealth, riches, and power,( I choose to use the resources You give me to help and bless others. I forsake putting money, wealth and the comforts of life above You, loved ones, friends and my spiritual family/ deliver me from the material things of this world and break me free out of my comfort zone) boasting (I will refrain and hold back from bragging about any accomplishments and walk of righteousness that comes only from You and Your Spirit who lives in me) pride, (I will not exalt or lift myself up or think I have arrived to where I become unteachable. Abba Father, make me pliable and mold-able in Your Hands. Take this heart of stone and give me Your tender heart of flesh) blasphemers, (Let me always honor and treat You and Your Name with the highest regard, honor and respect. I will not quench or grieve You, Holy Spirit) disobedient to parents,  (For those whose (my) parents are still alive, I need to honor, respect and care for when they can't care for themselves.. / I will trust and obey You, Abba Father by the power of Your Set Apart Spirit in me) un-thankful, (Abba Father, I will always be thankful for You and all Your many benefits) unholy, (I will be holy and set apart unto You throughout my spiritual journey here on earth. Holy Spirit, help guide and lead me out of this fallen worldly Babylonian beast system. I choose to dwell in Your Kingdom come and will be done in me here on earth as it is done in heaven) unloving, (I will love You Abba Father with all my heart, mind, soul and strength and love my neighbors as You so loved and love me by giving Your Life for me) unforgiving, (I choose to forgive and not take into account any wrong suffered. As You have forgiven me of my many short comings and sins. I will not hold on to any grudges. Father, uproot any bitterness that is in me toward all who have wronged and hurt me. I let go of holding on to any grudges and bitterness that would be in me so I dont become a defilement to many) slanderers,(deliver and keep me from speaking ill will / from speaking bad things or wanting harm to come on others. Father, I do not want to tear anyone down with my words. Keep me from gossip) without self-control, (Holy Spirit help me to show self-restraint in all areas of my life) brutal, ( I will not be mean, cruel and abusive to others) despisers of good, (I thank You, Abba Father for every good and perfect gift that comes from above from You Father of Lights. For you are the same yesterday, today and forever) traitors, ( I will not deny, turn away from or forsake You. For those who seek to save their lives will lose it.. But in losing my life in serving You, following You and laying down my life for You, Yahshua, You will save me unto eternal Life) headstrong, (I will not give in to stubbornness. I choose to humble myself and repent when I err, do wrong or willingly disobey You, and Your Word, Abba Father) haughty, (I choose not to be puffed up thinking I'm better than others) lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of Yahweh Elohim, (My desire and prayer is that I will love You more than anything, more than anyone, and more than my own life and life itself. I will love, guard and uphold The Truth at all times) having a form of godliness but denying its power. (I choose to live and walk out my faith daily in You, Yahshua Messiah. I will show my faith in You by my working out my salvation with fear and trembling) from such people who claim to know you who practice these things, I will turn away!

I choose by faith to be led and directed  by You, Holy Spirit in keeping Your Commandments and loving instructions in righteousness, that You, Abba Father have written on the tablets of my heart and mind, and not (the letter of) the law (that kills)

Galatians 5:18-29

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; I put all these away and put to death in me  (physical and spiritual) adultery, fornication, any (physical and spiritual) uncleanness, lasciviousness, (filthiness of this flesh and unbridled lust) Idolatry, (that includes anything and everything in my life, as well and anyone I hold near and dear to me ahead of my love, affection and devotion to You Abba Father in Yahshua Messiah) witchcraft, (I will not give into rebellion by being disobedient to your will, Your Word and Your Ways)  hatred, (I will not show hostility or disdain toward others)  variance, 

(I choose not to give in to fierce wrath when things don’t go my way or others do me wrong)  emulations, (I will keep from giving into heated rivalry, showing jealousy and being malicious, spiteful and mean, even if I think it's justified) wrath, (I will not give in to unjust anger) strife, (I will hold back from aggressive conflict and disagreements that lead to bitterness and hostility. I choose not to get the last word or desire to prove myself right) sedition's, (I will not sow discord, division and disunity, especially among my fellow believers in Christ) heresies, (Abba Father, I will not hold onto any beliefs, opinions and dogma's that oppose the Truth, that are contrary and go against Your Word, and Doctrine of Christ / Yahshua) envying's, (I will show no ill will towards others. I will choose not to slander, speak bad about, or harbor wrongful desires towards others because of who "they" are that I’m not and what "they" have that I don't. Let me be content and find joy and fulfilment based on who I am and what I have in You, Abba Father in Yeshua) murders, (Father, remove any desire in my heart for one's life to taken or cut off. Vengeance against the wicked is not mine, but belongs to You) drunkenness, (I will not be intoxicated with wine or lets any drugs control my life, but I will rather be filled to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit. Singing songs, hymns and spiritual songs making melody in my heart toward You Abba Father) reviling's, (I will not yield or allow myself to be pulled into loose and riotous living) and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which habitually practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of YHWH.

But Your fruit Holy Spirit in me  is love, joy, peace, patience, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: (Self-restraint, not losing, becoming unhinged or out of control) against such there is no law.

Since I belong to Messiah Yahshua, I crucify this flesh (I declare by faith that I am dead to any physical immoral affections and lusts that would rise up in me.

By faith, I am called to live in the Spirit and NOT in this fleshly nature. It is my desire and will to walk in the You, Holy Set Apart Spirit of Yah Most High

Colossians 2:9-11

In Yahshua dwells all the fullness of the Elohimness bodily; And I am complete in You, Yahuwah Yahshua, who is the head of all principality and power. In You, Yahshua Messiah, I am circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, I put off this body the sins of my fallen sinful nature, by Your circumcision Yahshua my Savior and Redeemer. Holy Spirit help me to not provoke (become irritated and agitated with) one another, envying one another (Father, help me not to have ill will to those I think are better or more gifted than me. Deliver me from these feelings of thinking I am inferior to others due to any deep seated insecurities)

I throw off of me EVERY weight of sin that would so easily entangle me in the ways, cares snares, and trappings of this world. I run the race set before me by forgetting and not looking back to what lies behind,( / my past..) and I press and strain forward to what lies ahead which is the upward call in You, Yahshua Messiah.

 Romans 12:14-17

I will bless those who persecute me, (and who say all kinds of evil against me on account of You, Abba Father. I will pray for them in asking You to show those who hate and persecute me, their evil and hateful ways, to convict and bring my persecutors and haters to repentance for the pardon and forgiveness of their sins) Yahuwah Elohim; I will bless and not curse those who curse me (I will speak good and gentle words. I will not retaliate with words of offense because a gentle word turns away wrath) I will rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. I will be of the same mind toward one another and not set my mind on high things, but will associate with the humble. I will not be wise in my own eyes, views and opinions. I will not repay anyone evil for evil. I will have regard for good things in the sight of all men. I will not be overcome by evil, but will overcome evil with good (by showing and being an example of Your goodness, kindness and mercy (they don’t deserve) to those who are given in to evil

2 Peter 3:9

Yahuwah, You are not slack concerning Your promises, as some men count slackness; but are longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance

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