
Saturday, November 8, 2014

A Dark Night

Psalms 6:6-10

 (vs 6)
"I am weary with my groaning; all the night make I my bed to swim; I water my couch with my tears."
The phrase "all the night" can be rendered every night." Somehow David managed to put a good front on during the day. He would get up and bathe his inflamed eyes, comb his hair, brush his beard. He would put on his robes, acknowledge the greetings of his servants, and attempt to eat his breakfast. He would go about his business of the day, hiding the growing proof of his body of the mark of Yahweh God upon him. He would do his best paying attention to the cases being brought before him for adjudication. His closest advisors, however, would notice a strange inattention, a vagueness about the king who was usually so fair and swift in his decisions. He would listen in a desultory way to his advisors on the affairs of state and make a few remarks. Then he would face the entertainment of the evening, pretending to be amused or interested. As soon as decency would permit, he would dismiss the guests and performers and flee to his bedroom, brushing off the services of his slaves. As soon as the door was bolted he would fling himself on his bed, and cry as though his heart would break. "Every night." No wonder he was weary. This was payday for a half an hour of sin.   

 Even though we find ourselves repenting when our sin has been brought out by the Holy Spirit, it doesn't mean we are exempt from the consequences of our sinful actions. Though it becomes an open door for our adversaries to attack our character, we should not find ourselves blaming Yahweh, but rather appeal, entreat and cry out to Him with the deepest groanings and sincerity of heart for however long it takes to let our loving and compassionate Abba Father know that despite the attacks we have opened the doors too, we lay it all on Him and His good Name and character to come to our aide. 

The forces of evil and darkness that continue to abound of late pound with such fury against Yah's beloved children. It is not easy to deal with these daily assaults and display a countenance that cannot be hidden for long to those we see and live with from day to day. We become WEARY from the battle being waged against our souls to stay faithful to our Lord and King when the pressure, persecution and our character is attacked when we try to walk in a Way that is pleasing to Him even though westumble and fall from time to time. It feels like the darkness of night looms in a blanket of despair even in the daylight hours. Should we give up? Should we bolt and run? Because of my dysfunctional upbringing that has led me to make some bad choices when it has come to relationships, it is very hard to stick things out when Yah brings healthier people who love Yahweh God into your life. 

Instead of communicating and throwing myself upon my Yah with groanings for His help and mercy, I have the tendency to want to either hide myself away or run. I know someone out there who may stumble upon my blog can relate to this. I would encourage you as I do myself in Yahweh Elohim, not to HIDE, RUN or GIVE UP the good fight of faith. If we cling to Yah with all our heart, then HE WILL see us through with the strength and help we need to endure these daily life struggle and the testing of our faith. We have the hope of Yahshua resurrecting our mortal bodies if we do all to not shrink back and endure with Him till the end! (Linda Rose)

(vs 7)

"My eyes are consumed because of grief; it waxes cold because of my enemies."
 It was becoming increasingly clear to David that he was fooling nobody. His enemies were beginning to take note. His sleeplessness and sorrow were evident on his face. His eyes Particularly were betraying him. The eyes are the window of the soul; the look of the eye is often a sure indication of the condition within. David was visibly aging before his courtiers. Much more of this kind of anguish and he would be in his grave. That was his sad condition. But almost without warning the emotional pendulum swung. The transition is abrupt, like the flipping of the coin. One moment David was overwhelmed with tragedy, the next he was marching forward with triumph. 

 I have just gone through this very experience in the last few months. After the up and down battle of despair that brings such sadness to struggling with the very desire to live because of emotional and physical boughts of pain, and then after throwing myself upon Yah in searching out His Word with tears, a breakthrough of Light and Hope began to shatter the darkness on the horizon. (Linda Rose)

(vs 8-9)
He had no assurance as yet that his health was going to get better, but he was absolutely confident that his enemies were not going to get the best of him. "Depart from me all you workers of iniquity (lawlessness) for Yah has heard the voice of my weeping. Yahovah has heard my supplication; Yah WILL receive my prayer." Tears are an eloquent argument with Yahweh. Spurgeon called them "liquid prayers." They need no interpreter and carry enormous weight at the throne of grace. David had total peace in his soul, an inner conviction that Yah had heard him.The rainbow (promise) shone upon the downpouring tears. 
 (vs 10)
"Lest all my enemies be ashamed suddenly." David had found his vexation to be a highway back to Yahweh God. His bones had been vexed, (frustrated, experiencing severe problems and turmoil) his soul had been vexed. (There is the example of the spiritual and physical vexation that go hand in hand. Most of the spiritual dilemmas and vexations affect the physical ~ LR) What had been good medicine for himself he now prescribed for His foes.

 Well might we sing with Moore and Hastings:  
joy of the desolate 
Light of the straying 
Hope of the penitent, fadeless and pure 
Here speaks the Comforter 
Tenderly saying 
Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal


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