
Monday, August 8, 2011

Update ~ Aug 8th

i just posted 3 new videos called, Reflections, Your Beautiful and Altitude. You can watch these videos by clicking on the Videos & Music page on the upper right of my sidebar.

OH BTW, did you notice the NEW LOOK? i hope you really like it. : ) Netty who is a dear friend and precious sister in Christ helped me with this new template and did some marvelous touch ups on some of the pics you see on my sidebar. She also did the dove with a rose, the acoustic guitar at the top and made the Name blend in better with the new template. i SO APPRECIATE the gifts of Abba's Body when they flow by His Wondrous Spirit.\0/

i had planned on recording the new song Abba gave me two weeks ago called ~ Holy, Worthy, Glory, Honor and Praise, but i have been very sick to where i was unable to talk for over a week. My voice is still not where i am able to record, but i am hoping next weekend i will be well enough with my voice back to normal to record the new song. When the Holy Spirit makes a Way then it will all come together in HIS perfect time.

May all who come by to read these blogs and explore further on the deep things of Abba Father be comforted and spurred on to Love and good works in Christ. Pray fervently, walk in obedience and keep your hearts open, humble and ready for these times of persecution that will catch MANY off guard and cause MANY to fall away.

Endure with Abba Father in Yehshua Jesus by His indwelling Holy Spirit till the end. Only those of His who endure till the end will be saved.

May His perfect Love cast out ALL your fear. Do NOT be weary in well doing for in due time you will receive your reward. Do NOT faint for fear when times get really dark and very hard, but trust in the Lord with your whole heart. Don't try to understand the trials and sufferings that are not strange to His followers. As Yehshua was persecuted so will we be. As He was hated by the world and the religious leaders who sought the praise of men so will we who follow closely to Him. Fix your spiritual eyes ALWAYS on Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith. Love  Abba Father with ALL your heart and being, because He first loved you and gave His life for you. He will NEVER leave or forsake you so don't ever leave or forsake Him when you suffer for righteousness sake.

Linda Rose ~ Spiritsong