
Thursday, July 14, 2011

It's You i Want to See

i just recently recorded a new song that i had not planned on doing. It was an unexpected surprise. i posted the song at the bottom of my last blog called, "Draw Near to Me." With a loving nudge of encouragement from a friend i was talking to on the phone,  i felt i should share how it all came about.  i don't know why i didn't think to do it as i have done with most of the songs i have posted in previous blogs. 
i had planned on going out with my husband and daughter on Sunday, but i was putting a teaching and word on my blog Abba put on my heart from some scriptures He led me to in my prayer time and i felt strongly led to stay home. This song i had gotten a few months back, but i never got to record it. i just happen to pull it out several days ago when i was singing songs to Abba and i said to Him when i was looking over the song, " Lord i really need to record this one."
About an hour after my husband and daughter left i heard Father say, "go ahead and record the song now."  In all honesty, my response was not a favorable one.  "Oh Lord i really don't feel like it doing it right now. :( " i  heard nothing back and my own conscience was nagging at me. How could i tell Abba NOT NOW? With a sigh i said to Abba, ok, even though i don't feel like doing it, i'll get everything together to record.
i got everything all set up.  i felt with this song the reverb should be at the lower end then i had been recording with the previous ones . As i was doing a dry run of the song, i broke into prayer. About halfway through the recording, i could sense Abba was pleased. The feeling i got was just so sweet!  The song in it's entirety took less than an hour to put together. The timing with this song is very special to me. i have felt the Holy Spirits calling to not just pray but also to sing to Him more. The singing to Abba hasn't been a part of my prayer time in quite a while. 

When i heard Abba say to me last week, "pick up your guitar and sing to Me," it brought back those sweet memories of the deeper intimacy that has come about from those earlier days when He apprehended me. To return back to our first Love is the admonishment of the Holy Spirits calling to my heart for the troublesome and very dark days ahead.  Abba Father is SO PRECIOUS and LOVING! Even after all these years of following Him, i get so AWE STRUCK  to think that He fervently desires intimacy with me. It's all about keeping it simple from a pure heart and the desire to minister to HIM in what He calls me to do. If there are those who are  ministered to in addition to Abba being FIRST in my desire to serve and please Him, then that is but an added blessing. \0/

Love the Lord your Father God with all your heart, all your mind, all your might and all your soul! Love one another as He loves and gave His Life for us.

Linda Rose