
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"David Wilkerson's Inspirational Last Words ...

Here is the text of Wilkerson’s last blog post on David Wilkerson Today. It was posted on April 27, just hours before a head on collision that took his life: 

“To believe when all means fail is exceedingly pleasing to God and is most acceptable. Jesus said to Thomas, ‘You have believed because you have seen, but blessed are those that do believe and have not seen’ (John 20:29).
“Blessed are those who believe when there is no evidence of an answer to prayer—who trust beyond hope when all means have failed.

 “Someone has come to the place of hopelessness—the end of hope—the end of all means. A loved one is facing death and doctors give no hope. Death seems inevitable. Hope is gone. The miracle prayed for is not happening.
“That is when Satan’s hordes come to attack your mind with fear, anger, overwhelming questions: ‘Where is your God now? You prayed until you had no tears left. You fasted. You stood on promises. You trusted.’

 “Blasphemous thoughts will be injected into your mind: ‘Prayer failed. Faith failed. Don’t quit on God—just do not trust him anymore. It doesn’t pay!’

 “Even questioning God’s existence will be injected into your mind. These have been the devices of Satan for centuries. Some of the godliest men and women who ever lived were under such demonic attacks.

 “To those going through the valley and shadow of death, hear this word: Weeping will last through some dark, awful nights—and in that darkness you will soon hear the Father whisper, ‘I am with you. 

I cannot tell you why right now, but one day it will all make sense. You will see it was all part of my plan. It was no accident. It was no failure on your part. Hold fast. Let me embrace you in your hour of pain.’
“Beloved, God has never failed to act but in goodness and love. When all means fail—his love prevails. Hold fast to your faith. Stand fast in his Word. There is no other hope in this world.”

I just got an e-mail from a friend about the recent death of David Wilkerson. I was a bit shocked by the news. I have always had a high regard and respect for His no compromise stand on the Truth. I remember years ago when I saw him preach at time square church in New York. It was such a powerful Word he delivered that I will never forget. It was over 20 years ago. I also recall him coming to Philadelphia with some of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir to put together teams of those of us who came out to witness and share Christ to the people there in the city. This too left quite a profound impact on my life to experience many of the homeless and down and outers being quite receptive and open to the gospel. Some of these dudes were downright SCARY on the outside. When we opened up our hearts and shared the love of Christ and that Jesus died for them, I recall a few who broke down in tears. We got to pray with quite a few who saw that they were sinners and needed a Savior. This was when I was in my mid to late 20's.

I have also been stirred to conviction on several occasions whenever I got the opportunity to read a message he would get from the Lord for His people to repent and get their lives in order. He will be missed as I hope to see him and other saints who have touched my life through the years as I endeavor to endure with Christ till the end.

Linda Rose

On April 27, 2011, while driving east on US Route 175 in Texas, Wilkerson crossed into the westbound lane and collided head-on with a tractor trailer. He was reportedly not wearing his seat belt, and was pronounced dead on the scene. His wife was wearing a seat belt, and was injured.
Rev. Wilkerson's last blog post stated the following: "To those going through the valley and shadow of death, hear this word: Weeping will last through some dark, awful nights," he wrote, "and in that darkness you will soon hear the Father whisper, `I am with you. I cannot tell you why right now, but one day it will all make sense. You will see it was all part of my plan. It was no accident."